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Discount for multiple Expansion Purchases?



Title says it all. I did do a search and have not seen this get
answered yet. As Sept 8th is drawing close albeit not fast enough :)
It would be nice to know if those that going to be buying for multiple
accounts will get a discount. "Crosses Fingers"


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just hope they let us buy more than two per month.


I just hope they let us buy more than two per month.
If you have multiple accounts you should be able to contact customer support directly and purchase the expansions for all of your accounts at once. As for a discount I haven't heard anything as of yet.


If you have multiple accounts you should be able to contact customer support directly and purchase the expansions for all of your accounts at once. As for a discount I haven't heard anything as of yet.
What about the original statement about the 7th char slot and additional 20% storage being part of SA? Can we expect this word to be kept or are you guys going to go back on it?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
What about the original statement about the 7th char slot and additional 20% storage being part of SA? Can we expect this word to be kept or are you guys going to go back on it?
Well that would annoy me to no end..... since I spent the money to upgrade all my accounts. Betting I'm not going to get a bonus 8th slot and another 20% either. That would be like Ooo.... hey thanks for wasting your money with us now we are going to give everyone else the same thing you just paid 20 bucks for .... for FREE. I think that would REALLY irritate more than just me.

I hope they do give a discount for 5 like before as far as the game codes go though.


Well that would annoy me to no end..... since I spent the money to upgrade all my accounts. Betting I'm not going to get a bonus 8th slot and another 20% either. That would be like Ooo.... hey thanks for wasting your money with us now we are going to give everyone else the same thing you just paid 20 bucks for .... for FREE. I think that would REALLY irritate more than just me.
When they added the 7th slot and storage they said they were doing it to make it available to those that wanted to take advantage of it prior to the release of SA since it was delayed. It was always intended to be part of the expansion. Anyone that bought it has had the extras available to them for 2 yrs (or longer) than anyone that hasn't.


What about the original statement about the 7th char slot and additional 20% storage being part of SA? Can we expect this word to be kept or are you guys going to go back on it?
the 20% storage increase came with Mondain's Legacy when we made this expansion and the previous ones before it free to all subscribers

Lord Drakelord

What about the original statement about the 7th char slot and additional 20% storage being part of SA? Can we expect this word to be kept or are you guys going to go back on it?
the 20% storage increase came with Mondain's Legacy when we made this expansion and the previous ones before it free to all subscribers
humm I seem to remember having the 20% storage increase with Mondain Legacy exp, and then having to PURCHASE the other 20% storage increase later, I even PURCHASE this 20% storage increase just RECENTLY, on our last hold out as we needed the storage increase due to ToT III. Now all of our homes have 40%.

Now when the next exp comes out will we get a seven character slot with it? As it stands now only one of our account will be upgraded to the SA exp, as the the account that has most of our skilled crafters on. Since a Gargoyla has a better chance at imbuing then an elf or human we may make one for that skill only using the 7th char slot.


the 20% storage increase came with Mondain's Legacy when we made this expansion and the previous ones before it free to all subscribers
I'm referring to the additional 20% (to make a total of 40%) that was orginally slated to be part of the SA expansion.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sell 2 upgrade expansion package codes
One for the players who already got the 20% house storage and 7th character slot.
Then one for the players who didnt get the 20% house storage and 7th character slot. this package would include the expansion code, and the 20% house storage and 7th character slot code.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We will not get any discount or special gifts other than the little pet and morph token.

There will be however some kind of special gifts from purchasing from UOGamecode Japan. Especially if you are making a purchase that cost more than $10 per transaction.

You will need a japanese proxy server that allows cookies.

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well that would annoy me to no end..... since I spent the money to upgrade all my accounts. Betting I'm not going to get a bonus 8th slot and another 20% either. That would be like Ooo.... hey thanks for wasting your money with us now we are going to give everyone else the same thing you just paid 20 bucks for .... for FREE. I think that would REALLY irritate more than just me.
While I understand that those who bought the 7th slot and extra storage may be irritated, but it does seem that once SA was delayed EA offered those perks for those players who simply could not wait. Some have waited, quite patiently I might add, so that they could get the 7th slot and extra storage when SA finally arrived. To add a new race and new skills without an extra character slot would be quite a disappointment. I have three accounts, and my upgrade decisions may very well depend on how EA handles this issue. I will upgrade one so as to try imbuing and change my crafter to a gargoyle, but not sure about the other accounts as of yet. To those that purchased the extra slot and storage, you received the benefit that you sought: an extra character and storage for the two years(?) that we waited on SA. Had I known it was going to take so long, I would certainly have made one purchase at least to help with storage issues. Although I have no problem if they give an 8th slot or some other benefit to the purchasers of the 7th slot, I do not think they should withhold the 7th slot and additional storage to those who have waited patiently for it.


While I understand that those who bought the 7th slot and extra storage may be irritated, but it does seem that once SA was delayed EA offered those perks for those players who simply could not wait. Some have waited, quite patiently I might add, so that they could get the 7th slot and extra storage when SA finally arrived. To add a new race and new skills without an extra character slot would be quite a disappointment. I have three accounts, and my upgrade decisions may very well depend on how EA handles this issue. I will upgrade one so as to try imbuing and change my crafter to a gargoyle, but not sure about the other accounts as of yet. To those that purchased the extra slot and storage, you received the benefit that you sought: an extra character and storage for the two years(?) that we waited on SA. Had I known it was going to take so long, I would certainly have made one purchase at least to help with storage issues. Although I have no problem if they give an 8th slot or some other benefit to the purchasers of the 7th slot, I do not think they should withhold the 7th slot and additional storage to those who have waited patiently for it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Well... that's hardly fair that I have to pay the same price as everyone else for the expansion when I already paid for the upgrade...

I would like it even better if they sold the expansion to me for 20 bucks instead of 30 since I already paid part of it.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What about the original statement about the 7th char slot and additional 20% storage being part of SA? Can we expect this word to be kept or are you guys going to go back on it?
I'm pretty sure that they never indicated that the 7th Character Slot and the additional 20% (meaning, up to 40% with the ML in place) were going to be a part of SA, and like others, if they just hand that out for free with the upgrade to SA, I'm going to question EVER buying anything else from the UO code store ever again.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While I understand that those who bought the 7th slot and extra storage may be irritated, but it does seem that once SA was delayed EA offered those perks for those players who simply could not wait. Some have waited, quite patiently I might add, so that they could get the 7th slot and extra storage when SA finally arrived.
I don't recall they ever stating that, though I'd love for someone to pull it out of the crevasses of this board and show it. And believe me, if it turns out that they intended this to be the case AND they failed to mention anything about it on their UO Gamecodes website (ie: if you buy this now, understand that in six months we're giving it away for free), there's going to be a ton of irate customers.
To add a new race and new skills without an extra character slot would be quite a disappointment.
Really? I don't remember them just adding a sixth character slot into the game with UO:AoS, a seventh in with UO:SE, and an eight with UO:ML, and yet each expansion added new skills (with the addition of a race with ML). People are already getting the ability to turn a character into a gargoyle at will... why in the world would Mythic need to HAND OUT something that they charged everyone else for?
I have three accounts, and my upgrade decisions may very well depend on how EA handles this issue. I will upgrade one so as to try imbuing and change my crafter to a gargoyle, but not sure about the other accounts as of yet. To those that purchased the extra slot and storage, you received the benefit that you sought: an extra character and storage for the two years(?) that we waited on SA.
Really? So my purchases three months ago availed me of this TWO YEARS how? That's right, it didn't.
Had I known it was going to take so long, I would certainly have made one purchase at least to help with storage issues. Although I have no problem if they give an 8th slot or some other benefit to the purchasers of the 7th slot, I do not think they should withhold the 7th slot and additional storage to those who have waited patiently for it.
Frankly, I purchased it so I had additional storage, but unless they're going to bump me up to 60% after giving 20% free, I'm going to be very upset. Basically what you're saying is that those of us who purchased this "advantage" over you paved the way for you to get it for free -- because those of us who occasionally purchase stuff from the game codes store help to keep the game in the money between expansions.

If you somehow think you're ENTITLED to something you didn't pay for while those of us who DID pay for it get screwed over, frankly, you're wrong.


If you have multiple accounts you should be able to contact customer support directly and purchase the expansions for all of your accounts at once. As for a discount I haven't heard anything as of yet.
Do you mean contact by phone ? I'm Deaf and I'd be calling by relay, does this mean Customer support won't hang up on me ? Or is there a TTY/TTD number I can call, I've never seen one listed.

The Number is 1-866-543-5435 , right ? Does that work if you are calling from Canada?

I wanted to buy at least three.


I'm pretty sure that they never indicated that the 7th Character Slot and the additional 20% (meaning, up to 40% with the ML in place) were going to be a part of SA, and like others, if they just hand that out for free with the upgrade to SA, I'm going to question EVER buying anything else from the UO code store ever again.
I'm absolutely positive they said both were. Someone recently dug up the original statement given by Jeremy when both of these were added to the UO store that confirmed it.


After about a half hour of digging, this is the best I've been able to come up with regarding the 7th slot and extra 20% storage:


It's nothing "official" but does show that I'm not the only one that remembers that when the 7th slot and extra storage were first offered, they said they were offering it because it was supposed to be part of SA, and since SA was delayed indefinitely, they wanted to let people have these upgrades if they wanted them.

I just want to know if they're going to stick by what they said and include these as part of the SA expansion as originally planned. Chrissay, can we please get some clarification on this important issue? There are quite a few of us that have purposely waited for SA to be completed to get these upgrades with the expansion instead of buying them separately.


While I understand that those who bought the 7th slot and extra storage may be irritated, but it does seem that once SA was delayed EA offered those perks for those players who simply could not wait. Some have waited, quite patiently I might add, so that they could get the 7th slot and extra storage when SA finally arrived. To add a new race and new skills without an extra character slot would be quite a disappointment. I have three accounts, and my upgrade decisions may very well depend on how EA handles this issue. I will upgrade one so as to try imbuing and change my crafter to a gargoyle, but not sure about the other accounts as of yet. To those that purchased the extra slot and storage, you received the benefit that you sought: an extra character and storage for the two years(?) that we waited on SA. Had I known it was going to take so long, I would certainly have made one purchase at least to help with storage issues. Although I have no problem if they give an 8th slot or some other benefit to the purchasers of the 7th slot, I do not think they should withhold the 7th slot and additional storage to those who have waited patiently for it.
Yeah I am in sort of a similar boat. SA was all but cancled it seemed so they offered the 7th Char slot and extra storage that was supposed to come with it as a seperate thing. I got the 7th char slot and storage upgrade for all 3 accounts. SA came back into full swing not to long ago and kind of raised it's self up out of the grave. If they were to give the 7th char slot and extra storage to those that didn't pay for it without compensating those that did in some way then I will likely only upgrade one of my 3 accounts for SA access but highly doubtful I would the others.

Even a discount on the price of SA for those that already paid for the 7th char slot and extra storage would be enough for me to be happy.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Yeah I am in sort of a similar boat. SA was all but cancled it seemed so they offered the 7th Char slot and extra storage that was supposed to come with it as a seperate thing. I got the 7th char slot and storage upgrade for all 3 accounts. SA came back into full swing not to long ago and kind of raised it's self up out of the grave. If they were to give the 7th char slot and extra storage to those that didn't pay for it without compensating those that did in some way then I will likely only upgrade one of my 3 accounts for SA access but highly doubtful I would the others.

Even a discount on the price of SA for those that already paid for the 7th char slot and extra storage would be enough for me to be happy.
I know I'll be pretty irate if they give everyone free the stuff I paid for.... it's bad enough they already upgraded EVERYONE all the way to ML for FREE when I paid for each and every expansion!... And what did I get free for my loyalty??? NADA.....

So... if they get a free 7th slot and 20% storage with this purchase then I think I may consider just saying forget it... and not getting SA at all... Infact I may just decide that I'm done giving them my money period if all they are going to do is give things away free.... I'll only play when it's free.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there going to be a discount for 5 accounts? I never bought the 7 char or extra storage when they said they where going to be part of next expansion at the town hall a few years back. I still have a few account that only have 5 chars on them. Will i get 2 chars on them to bring them to 7?

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't recall they ever stating that, though I'd love for someone to pull it out of the crevasses of this board and show it. And believe me, if it turns out that they intended this to be the case AND they failed to mention anything about it on their UO Gamecodes website (ie: if you buy this now, understand that in six months we're giving it away for free), there's going to be a ton of irate customers.
Really? I don't remember them just adding a sixth character slot into the game with UO:AoS, a seventh in with UO:SE, and an eight with UO:ML, and yet each expansion added new skills (with the addition of a race with ML). People are already getting the ability to turn a character into a gargoyle at will... why in the world would Mythic need to HAND OUT something that they charged everyone else for?
Really? So my purchases three months ago availed me of this TWO YEARS how? That's right, it didn't.
Frankly, I purchased it so I had additional storage, but unless they're going to bump me up to 60% after giving 20% free, I'm going to be very upset. Basically what you're saying is that those of us who purchased this "advantage" over you paved the way for you to get it for free -- because those of us who occasionally purchase stuff from the game codes store help to keep the game in the money between expansions.

If you somehow think you're ENTITLED to something you didn't pay for while those of us who DID pay for it get screwed over, frankly, you're wrong.
Most of this deserves no response. Apparently, the point of my post was lost in the translation for at least one person.