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Discording pet doesn’t affect poisoning?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
As the title says, it appears discording your pets will not affect poisoning. I’m right now working on a bug and I do have him discorded but the mob is getting hit with lethal poison.
I’m just a little surprised by this.


Lore Master
What's the pets poisoning skill after you discord it?

Per UO.com:
"A warrior with 80 poisoning has a 80% chance to inflict lethal poison, a warrior with 100 poisoning has a 100% chance to inflict lethal poison."

I assume it works the same with pets. So if your pet has over 80 poisoning skill after discord there's still a good chance it will use lethal poison.


Stratics Veteran
No healing skill is not affected by discordance. However, it does lower the pets resistance to the poison will mean it takes more initial and commutative damage. This allows the pet to get poisoned more often causeing it to heal itself more. If you have a pet with chivalry, you may want the pet to stop and stay while taking damage. This insures that the pet uses it's healing skill as opposed to cleansing winds or some other healing spell. You start with the pet at full mana then run consume and attack. When the whisper is over, have it stop and stay at least 8 minutes before the next whisper. This will give the pet a chance to use it's healing skill and build back its mana. When it is time for the next whisper, you attack. Your pet will be at near full mana allowing it to launch higher level spells which helps with magical ability gains. If a pet has magery and runs empty on mana, it will launch a low level spell as soon as it gets enough to do so. SInce it is low level, you pet will probably not gain from it.