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Disco is Killing Me!



I'm at 95.0 and simply going brain dead!
A la Poo...
1) If I release 11 Cu's in my house, will I get in trouble with the Law (UO)?
2) How long will 11 released Cus stay alive in my house?
3) How much would a Baja Tamer charge me to deliver 11 Cus?

Thanks for reading


Cu Sidhe's don't have a high discordance chance. What I use is my Rune Beetle and a Bake Kitsune, seperate them in a town with them guarding me, then run back and forth. At your discord level I'd rather sudgest doing this method with a Dragon and Nightmare. When you get to around 105 discordance switch to a Rune Beetle and Bake Kitsune.

This is all assuming you have these pets actually trained, of course. The higher the skills/stats on a pet the higher it's discordance level is.


Interesting idea. I think I might try that tonight!