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Dilfred Dumphry: News on Minoc and New Magincia

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Dilfred Dumphry here! Still alive and writing! Amazing isn’t it? Hahaha! Some of you are probably wondering if I managed to get the brandy to my father-in-law. Yes I did! I gave him a bottle and what does he do? He looked at it, looked at me and said, ‘that’s it?’ *sigh* That man is as much of a scoundrel as am I.
My wife was anxious to head back to New Magincia, so I headed to the local tavern. I got glared at for that, which was quite unjust! I may be a scoundrel, but I’m a cautious one, especially when it comes to the safety of my wife. The local tavern is the best place for news. Granted, that news isn’t always accurate, like the time I was told that Trinsic had been leveled by a roving band of rabid Cyclops, but it’s better than nothing. Most of the time.
My first piece of news was from a miner from Minoc. The nobles there were taking all the ingots and forcing the blacksmiths to make weapons and armor for them. Of course the nobles weren’t paying for the ingots or the labor. Okay that sounded real enough. *makes not to self – avoid Minoc*
Next piece of information had to do with the raiders. I was told they now have a leader. I didn’t like this news. Having random bands of raiders is bad, but organized bands of raiders?? *shudders*Hopefully I’ll be able to file this piece of news under my ‘roving band of rabid Cyclops’ section.
I was about to give up hope of getting information about New Magincia when I found a hired swordsman who works for a merchant that just came from there. He had quite a bit of news.
The baker’s family (Jenny’s family) had managed to flee to parts unknown. Young Lord Clarence Roberts was blamed. Nobles noticed that the commoners of New Magincia were better supplied with food and goods than they were. The nobles were outraged. Again young Lord Roberts was blamed. Not surprisingly, young Lord Roberts was arrested. His father disowned him and there are even rumors of a possible execution.
Young Roberts is a good lad. I was upset about this news. But the man who told me about the raider leader gave me some hope. He had been listening in to our conversation and made the comment, ‘raiders take care of their families and friends.’ Rather than be questioned further he opted for a more dramatic exit and left the tavern leaving me with my mouth hanging open.
Doesn’t look like the wife and I are going to New Magincia any time soon.
This is Dilfred Dumphry, safe travels everyone.

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