I was wondering if anyone on the Catskills shard was working on this contest?
If so do you want to let slip a bit about your design? I was just wondering how many of you entered.Bank Renovation: Designers Wanted!
With the new year, Sosaria’s main bank is in high need of a serious makeover. We are looking for talented designers and decorators to submit their original ideas on a great new look for the West Britain Bank. This is a permanent new look so do not focus on just a winter theme!
Contest Rules:
You must take a screenshot of Britain Bank and decorate it with existing UO art.
You can copy/paste existing art from elsewhere in the game on top of the bank area. You may optionally use insideuoInsideUO to grab tileart directly from UO.
Your submission screenshot must be a JPG and for e-mail submissions must be no larger than 800x600. (For screenshots larger than 800x600 please upload it online - we suggest using a free image hosting site and send us the link to your image.)
There will be one winner per shard, you may only win once.
To qualify, entries must include your name and shard.
You must have an active Ultima Online account to participate.
Enter as often as you wish, but only one submission per e-mail.
Submission for banks other than West Britain Bank will be dismissed.
All entries become the property of Mythic Entertainment.
One winner per shard.
The winners will have the bank on their respective shard redecorated on both facets according to their design. A plaque will also be placed by the bank identifying the winning designer.
All winning entries will be posted here on the UOHerald once the judging has been finalized.
How to Enter:
When you are ready to submit your entry, you must include the following:
Your Character Name:
E-mail address:
Description of your renovation (optional)
Your screenshot (or the link to where your screenshot is hosted):
Send all the above information to: [email protected]
This is open to all active Ultima Online subscribers. Entries must be received by midnight Eastern Time on Sunday January 18th, 2009 to qualify.
Good luck and happy bank renovating!