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Did Ninja Nerf Attack affect Rune Corruption?


Crazed Zealot
I was at TC1 today testing training on a giant beetle, and I finished it at 5 sots, gave it RC, AI, FZWW(just to test, I would not do this on prod. due to the 500 training points), Rune corruption and poisoning. Killed about 6-7 Sphynx, and out of 20 minuts continuous loring the Sphynx, I saw RC hit only once, for possibly 5 seconds only or less.
Is this supposed to last 5 seconds also, like the conduction blast in Cusidhes? That is very nasty for a pet like a blue beetle that take sooo long to train. I hope I am wrong, or a lot of people are going to be unhappy.
I hope this is not another useless or nearly useless move/ability..
In the production, I am only putting AI, Rune Corr., and poisoning and wil report what I see here..


Stratics Veteran
Good evening, Its because of the build my friend.. I ran a test on a ninja beetle with that build .. it was amazing aoe damage but the side effect fo it was it used F. WW nearly 4 times as much as Rc or ai.. so the single target /a debuffing power of that spec takes a real big hit,.,.. needless to say the up time on RC on this build is very very low .. less then 25% of the time.. =* [


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Beetles were made for Rune Corruption.

AI and RC will kill faster than trying to make it do extra stuff.


Crazed Zealot
I appreciate the information, and will not used Fz WW onn prodo it also ate up 500 points sorely needed for potential scrolls if and when I get them. Thanks again.


Stratics Veteran
Ive been running fire beetle with goo/inferno/fzww. The aoe dps is really good. However, i use fire fields and meteor swarm constantly, which really gets all the aoe you can out of the build. For mobs with high hps and low fire resist the aoe is probably the highest possible for a tamer. If you dont have eval or plan to cast fields and meteor swarm than your probably better off avoiding rune corrruption or inferno and just using goo and fzww, putting AI would help your single target dps at the expense of your aoes going off. A note on inferno, it lowers fire resist 25% while rune corruption seems to be 50%. Inferno does pretty small initial damage but also is an aoe debuff. Unfortunately, inferno does not seem to affect goo or fzww, damage. While I would like to know if rune corruption affects goo or fzww, from what your saying it seems to not go off that frequently. With that said, Goo/fzww is a really fun build and seems work fine with inferno/rune corruption and AI. Im going to make another fire beetle with just goo and fzww to compare the ways the abilities go off between the builds.