I was playing less and less because of bag of sending.
I checked board and saw them talking about that greater dragon.
So I go to see if I can tame it.
I enter Destard. First dragon, one screen away from the entrance tells me I have no chance to peace it. I have 115 music and 104 peace + slayer instrument... another reason to hate powerscrolls...
Ok I found the bugger. It cast lame spells and I'm like ok not so hard. I area peace, but it immediately retargets me. Then it runs after me faster than I expected and take a hit. Bam! 62 dmg. I start running away but Bam! I'm dead.
Greaaat, not for me yet I guess... so I come back to recover corpse. A dragon was at the entrance, and immediately targeted me even if it was fighting another player. I run in and out a few time, make an attempt to run by the side but the room is full of dragons, my corpse camped and I die again. Second attempt I finally reach my corpse and run away, dodge dragons, luckily cast a few Cure and Heal spells and run out of Destard.
Waw! That was fun! NOT.
I knew devs had problem with game design, and unfortunately they strike again. Destard spawn was made heavier a while ago. Now with the greater dragon it's litterally a gank squad waiting for easy prey at entrance spot.
Really tough dragons is nice. That's what dragons are supposed to be after all. But a bit of level design must be done to make it interresting...
I'm bored of powerscrolls and needed 120 skills. From the starting it was stupid :
"- Look I finally mastered Musicianship, I'm at 100%, I can use it without a fail.
- Ok but I'm even better, I know Musicianship at 120%!"
Sounds like kids senseless brag, but heh to have a game of uber-pwnzage, we certainly needed 120%, artifact of the deadly dead, etc.
I'm bored. I'm gonna have to get rid of a nice skill, Herding, to have enough room to become uber enough.
Shall I become a colourful semi-god with Armour of Touch-me-not, Pink Glasses of All-is-nice, Ring and Bracelet of Don't-nerf-me and a Grindmaster, the famous unique weapon everybody has?
Not a good day.