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[Fishing] Did anyone so far try the Pub 69 fishing changes on Test server ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Did by any chance anyone have some time to test the upcoming Pub 69 changes to fishing on the Test Server ?

What is the overall impression ?

I know the notes say that the reputation bug was fixed, but which one is it ? The one that hit players after doing many orders or the one that hit players doing multi-orders all at once ?
Or both ?

How more easily are Powerscroll spawning now ?

By the way, the Pub 69 notes mention increasing the drop rate for Powerscrolls above 105 but I think I read somewhere a mention that also 105s drop rate was included.

Is that so from checking the Test server ?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just want to know if we can get dungeon fish quest at 105. I went on test got my fisher and a tokuno boat, set my fishing at 105, and went to get 8 quests non of them are for dungeon. Maybe need rep so i went fishing but only turned in 2/3 before I realized that it would take too much fishing time to turn in enough. I need a give fish command!

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Empty Lobster Traps will all face the same direction and full ones will face the opposite direction
Put both facing traps to EC hotbars, empty traps fast, setup traps fast :thumbup:

not tested yet

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Did by any chance anyone have some time to test the upcoming Pub 69 changes to fishing on the Test Server ?

What is the overall impression ?

I know the notes say that the reputation bug was fixed, but which one is it ? The one that hit players after doing many orders or the one that hit players doing multi-orders all at once ?
Or both ?

How more easily are Powerscroll spawning now ?

By the way, the Pub 69 notes mention increasing the drop rate for Powerscrolls above 105 but I think I read somewhere a mention that also 105s drop rate was included.

Is that so from checking the Test server ?

Sounds good. So why don't you head to TC and find out for yourself and report back for others to read.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds good. So why don't you head to TC and find out for yourself and report back for others to read.

Perhaps you did not notice the very first line of my post "Did by any chance anyone have some time.....".

Unfortunately, so far I have been unable to have that free time or I would have checked it out myself.

That's why I asked around. I could not find the time, but others might have.......

Hope it is more clear now.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds good. So why don't you head to TC and find out for yourself and report back for others to read.

Perhaps you did not notice the very first line of my post "Did by any chance anyone have some time.....".

Unfortunately, so far I have been unable to have that free time or I would have checked it out myself.

That's why I asked around. I could not find the time, but others might have.......

Hope it is more clear now.
I fully understood your question. You have time to do 30 posts (yesterday) but you have no time to do any testing. As norm. you ask others to do your work and give thier findings and then you ask more questions. If you have the time to do 30 posts and play UO in one day then you have the time to do this testing yourself.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I fully understood your question. You have time to do 30 posts (yesterday) but you have no time to do any testing. As norm. you ask others to do your work and give thier findings and then you ask more questions. If you have the time to do 30 posts and play UO in one day then you have the time to do this testing yourself.
wrong - alot of us are posting from work


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I fully understood your question. You have time to do 30 posts (yesterday) but you have no time to do any testing. As norm. you ask others to do your work and give thier findings and then you ask more questions. If you have the time to do 30 posts and play UO in one day then you have the time to do this testing yourself.

Unfortunately, I wished I had enough time to do all I need and want but this is not the case.

I have not enough room to do my daily chores and play UO and post on Stratics and go to test server.

There are times that I have to make choices and sometimes posting on Stratics I feel it as more needed than, for example, checking out the Test server.

This does not mean, that one can't ask others who may have had instead the time to check out the Test server.

Is it against the rules to ask fellow posters whether they have checked out the Test Server ?

Lady Tia

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately, I wished I had enough time to do all I need and want but this is not the case.

I have not enough room to do my daily chores and play UO and post on Stratics and go to test server.

There are times that I have to make choices and sometimes posting on Stratics I feel it as more needed than, for example, checking out the Test server.

This does not mean, that one can't ask others who may have had instead the time to check out the Test server.

Is it against the rules to ask fellow posters whether they have checked out the Test Server ?
Yeah, I'm reading this thread for the same reason. No time to go test. And really no time to do all the quests on a new character that would be needed to get a ps. Feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.