Mr Artifact
we can do glass blowing and i was thinking it would be kind of cool to have diamond cutting where we can create weapons, armour, shields, jewlery and house decos among other things from these diamonds. i know we have diamonds from hunting and gem shops so there are several ways we can do this. [/list] we can either use the existing diamonds we have today from hunting and gem shops or a new type of stackable diamond can be created that we can mine for and i dont mean the blue diamond gems from mining those are nice but they have there own purpose. [/list] i would perfer it if its a new type of diamond will be added to the list of existing mining gems we have today over useing regular diamonds that we get from hunting certain monsters and from gem shops. [/list] if its a new type of mining gem it should be the rarest of gems to get to keep its value up. [/list] also if its a new type of diamond mining gem i would like it to be the same color of a normal real life diamond because it would be nearly transparent and shiny and look really cool especially on anything made from it. this diamond gem does not have to be that color any color will do thats just my perference maybe there can be several differnt colors some rarer then others to keep this more worthwhile and sought after. [/list] if this ever happens maybe even a new type of reward dye tub can be created as a yearly reward to use on items made from diamonds a diamond dye tub if enough players want it.