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DF slaying double bladed staff

Yenji Yasagari

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Double Bladed Staff crafted by Lord Asterix

Earth Elemental Slayer
Demon Slayer

20% Damage increase

40% Physical
10% fire
20% cold
10% poison
20% energy

How much do you think it would fetch, as I was told 100m+ on ATL.



Double Bladed Staff crafted by Lord Asterix

Earth Elemental Slayer
Demon Slayer

20% Damage increase

[/ QUOTE ]

I personally wouldn't pay more than a mil or two, and that would be at the absolute most. Yes you'll recieve the damage bonus, but the mods otherwise are not ideal.

For the most successful temp a demon slayer would need as a minimum the following:

For 1 handed weapon
Demon Slayer
Hit Mana Leech 40+
Hit Lower Attack 40+
Hit Lower Defense 40+
SSI 25+ (the slower the weapon the faster it needs to be - Your actual Swing Speed should be about 1.5 between the SSI and Dex)
Damage Increase 35+

The HLD could be exchanged for HCI as well, but in the case of a two hand weapon, the HLD would have to be exchanged for a Hit Stamina Leech.

This is a weapon I would pay 50-100m for possibly even more depending on the type of weapon, but ideally it would be a radiant scimitar, leaf blade, diamond mace, or black staff.

Even without the Demon slayer a weapon with the above mods + a 6th to replace the slayer mod such as HCI would warrant 50-100m


Do you know where there are formulas or calculators I could use to determine how base weapon speed, SSI and dex interplay to give you your final swing speed? I never studied up on this stuff, and now that I'm playing my dexxer again (after years) I really have no clue on what is a good weapon. I save stuff I think is good, but I really don't know how to seperate good from 'uber'. Ok so maybe I need a tutorial more than a calculator.


Thats a good question! Lets see...

100 anat
97 archery
80 chiv
52 fencing
92 focus
98 healing
104 swords
100 tactics

Wow what a mess. Ok I was going to soulstone swords and work fencing up to have that one soulstoned too, but I think I'm just gonna scrap it. Other than that I don't know what is good to raise over GM or what. I'd probably lower focus to get stuff over GM.

str/int/dex is 117/97/30 - I have 13 dex with jewels, 5 from the 6th month player thing, and an extra point of strength that came from...I have no idea. Theres a fist graphic on my little gump that shows me what spells are active. Weeeeiiird. Wow, this character is so old and unused I never even ate a stat scroll. So I can get an extra 25 points in something there.



100 anat
97 archery
80 chiv
52 fencing
92 focus
98 healing
104 swords
100 tactics

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok first make sure your char is an elf, and drop your base int to 10.
120 Swords/Mace/Fencing
115+ Bushido
115+ Parrying
100 Anatomy
100 Tactics
75 Chivalry
50 Spirit Speak
40 Necromancy
Total = 715

If necessary you could reduce chiv, but you would lose the ability to cast enemy of one successfully, you could also reduce necromancy to 35, or bushido and parrty to 110.

The purpose of this temp is to maximize damage output while minimizing how much effort you put into healing yourself.

The way it works is you use items with +necromancy to hit 100 necro, then cast vampric embrace. When you're ready to fight you cast curse weapon, consecrate weapon, divine fury(if you choose), enemy of one, and then you use the honor virtue, you may also wish to spam lightning strike.

For gear you'll want jewelry with high hci/dci/di with a stat increase, lmc, or resist. Armor should be pieces that give you mana inc, with any of the following, hpi, mr2, lmc, stam inc. I'ld recommened going with a combination of hpi/mana inc, and then a third mod of either lmc or mr2.

You do not want a shield as it will reduce your effectiveness in battle, for a weapon a soul seeker is standard b/c of the 3 leeches, and the special move whirl wind, black staffs also have this move. Other wise as a minimum you want a weapon that has HML, SSI, DI, but HLA is a good mod to have as well, if its two handed you need HSL as well.


I have to agree with DVI this is really not worth more than a mill or two. For battle against the Dark Father, especially the one in Magincia you would be dead before you hit him twice if you attempted to stand toe to toe. Even Jousting it is still going to be too slow and the low damage increase and no other modifiers not to mention that if you are a pot chugger you have to disarm. If you can find the guy who said 100 mill, see if he will give you 50.


Wow, I had to copy all that into my notepad. Thanks! I did have a couple questions - about dropping my int to 10, that seems kind of low to cast chiv spells with any regularity. I guess strength would be 95 and dex 150 (with a 25 stat scroll)? And also I'm kinda sad about losing my healing. Does spirit speak at 50 and the chiv healing with 10 int really make up for it? I guess with vampiric embrace you heal a lot more quickly eh...man, I really need to read up on this stuff.



Wow, I had to copy all that into my notepad. Thanks! I did have a couple questions - about dropping my int to 10, that seems kind of low to cast chiv spells with any regularity. I guess strength would be 95 and dex 150 (with a 25 stat scroll)? And also I'm kinda sad about losing my healing. Does spirit speak at 50 and the chiv healing with 10 int really make up for it? I guess with vampiric embrace you heal a lot more quickly eh...man, I really need to read up on this stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

As an elf you get a significant mana bonus, that combined with armor pieces that have mana increase should easily get you into the 50-60 range. Plus with some mana regen and lmc you'll be fine.

The key to this template is it takes advantages of all the leech effects which is why you need a weapon with HML, it will keep your mana up to where it needs to be.

As for healing you very rarely if ever need to heal yourself although it does happen on occasion, The vamp form combined with the high damage output will keep you healed. I can take my dexxer to the room by Inu's prison thats filled with ogre lords amongst other things, cast enemy of one, and just stand there and spam whirlwind over and over and kill everything in the room without coming remotley close to dying.

As for the stats besides int, you'ld be best doing a more equal split of 120 str and 125 dex, or 110 str and 135 dex. Remember you still want to have hp, and since hpi is capped at 25, you need to keep your str above 100. Then if you use M&amp;S as well as crimmy you gain another 20 points of stats, and if you can fit in fey legs and RBC youll be good for other mods you need as well =&gt;


Wow, thank you so much! I copied more into my notepad. I'm pretty terrible at figuring out what skills are good for, this really helps.


I wont lie, I learned most of what I know from a good friend of mine from Japan. Theyve mastered pvm and turned it into an art form.


It's not my forte. There's a reason I've played a for years tamer, when I've had to pvm. I will be sure to take screenshots of when I get my skills up and my gear on and still manage to do less than respectably well with what should be a really good template.


You'ld be suprised, even doing pitiful with the template is still pretty sweet, and theres not many other templates out there that can do more damage, and certainly no dexxer temps that i know of that can do more and stay alive as long.


The demon slayer weapon you are talking about.
Your plan is to lot that from an uber monster or make it with a runic hammer?

The Scandinavian


heh I've seen ones similar but never exact, but I'll take it anyway you can find it for me....=)



What I do know however is that the weapon you are after would never happen.
The odds of making that kind of weapon is so slim,non existing,zero,snowball in hell when hell freeze over that it is not even thinkable.

We are in the right forum for talking about this,rares forum that is,because that weapon would be the rarest item in entire uo.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well its actually very possibly, simply not probable, and in fact I have seen a weapon with the exact mods and intensities I listed minus the demon slayer, and I'm sure there is more than one such weapon out there. But just b/c the combination of the mods and intensities would be incredibly difficult to achieve doesnt mean its impossible or will never happen.

And when it does, I'll have my 50-100+m ready


Our best hope is the incredible sad NRG we are stuck with in UO.

And if you remove the Demon slayer property the odds are increasing alot,from totally impossible snowball...and so on,to if you use all life time luck in one shot maybe you can make the weapon.

The Scandinavian


well when that .00000000000000001% of it occurs I'll be ready!

Just dont think of outbidding me!