Looking to unload this dexxer suit. Suit consists of pieces shown and also bush/parry mark of trav, dci epps, LT sash, 10anat talisman with 5hci, minax sandals, cuffs of archmagi and 5hci quiver. Also using 5 HCI town buff.
Nets you 16hpr (can ditch anat tali for cameo to hit 18hpr at the cost of 10 skill), as well as 20MR and set up to refine 3 resists. Skills would be as follows:
Ninjitsu 120
Bushido 120
Resist 120
Fencing 120
Anatomy 100
Parry 110
Healing 90
Tactics 60
Nets you 16hpr (can ditch anat tali for cameo to hit 18hpr at the cost of 10 skill), as well as 20MR and set up to refine 3 resists. Skills would be as follows:
Ninjitsu 120
Bushido 120
Resist 120
Fencing 120
Anatomy 100
Parry 110
Healing 90
Tactics 60