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[Fishing] Dex and Fishing

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I notice on the Stratics Skill Management page that Dex is the primary stat for fishing. How does Dex affect fishing? For a typical fisherman, what should be my Dex setting?



Old Man of UO


I notice on the Stratics Skill Management page that Dex is the primary stat for fishing. How does Dex affect fishing? For a typical fisherman, what should be my Dex setting?


Dex doesn't affect fishing, but it is a good skill to use to raise dex. Being a primary stat means it gets the first skill check for an increase.

What you dex stat should be depends on your skill sets. For example, if your fisher is primarily a mage, then you don't need much dex and I'd keep it at 15, or less. If your fisher is an archer (mine is) then you want it to be as high as possible for faster swing speed.

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, Old Man of UO

Thanks for the reply and answer. I was wondering if stats or skill level had anything to do with the time frame between when you cast and eventually get a message or fish.

Thanks, Katrena


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi, Old Man of UO

Thanks for the reply and answer. I was wondering if stats or skill level had anything to do with the time frame between when you cast and eventually get a message or fish.

Thanks, Katrena
Nope but I wish it did

Old Man of UO

Hi, Old Man of UO

Thanks for the reply and answer. I was wondering if stats or skill level had anything to do with the time frame between when you cast and eventually get a message or fish.

Thanks, Katrena
Nope but I wish it did
Now THAT is a great suggestion to turn into the Developers!