I didnt notice this but today I was killed and got into statloss period. I dont have any +skill items on me and apperently my Tactics/Anatomy/Archery are all dropped to 80 due to statloss. I tried to help my teammates out so I went out and started attacking enemies even tho I am in stat. To my suprisie I was able to use ALL the weapon specials. My Armor Ignore still hits for 35 +dual proc, regular shots hits a little less but with 45hci I was able to defend myself and actually got 2 kills.
The question is, is it intended during statloss period you still have access to all weapon specials even if you do not have the required skills? 120 Archery and 120 tactics in statloss is 80/80 which normally wouldnt allow you to do secondary specials.
The question is, is it intended during statloss period you still have access to all weapon specials even if you do not have the required skills? 120 Archery and 120 tactics in statloss is 80/80 which normally wouldnt allow you to do secondary specials.