If you're not going to do anything about scripts in PvP, at least do something about the speeder programs that are being used...
Script chugging, anti bola, insta trapped box popper etc etc don't bother me nearly as much as speeders.
I can at least keep up with them and kill them. But when an Asian (in Asia) playing on a West Coast server, is running faster than me...and i'm pinging 40, that's not right.
Kinda defeats the purpose of a once enjoyable game when half the people you fight jump around your screen like they're hopped up on Mtn. Dew. There's no fun in that.
Script chugging, anti bola, insta trapped box popper etc etc don't bother me nearly as much as speeders.
I can at least keep up with them and kill them. But when an Asian (in Asia) playing on a West Coast server, is running faster than me...and i'm pinging 40, that's not right.
Kinda defeats the purpose of a once enjoyable game when half the people you fight jump around your screen like they're hopped up on Mtn. Dew. There's no fun in that.