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[Fishing] Devs, human, elf or gargoyle fishers? Difference?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Both hubby and I have fishers at 105 skill. He is human, I'm elf. Hubby seems to pull up more than 5x's as many rare fish than I do. I can fish a spot for darn near a whole day and get no rare fish. Hubby comes along, and within 45 minutes fishes up 3 rares. We can both fish same spot together, hubby gets rares, zero for me. Hubby can fish a spot first, pull up rares, I as elf come along and get no rares. So what gives?? I mean I can fish the exact same spot he does, he pulls out rares and I do not. I have gotten the occasional one, but nothing compared to what my human hubby gets. I have no clue what a gargoyle may get. So is there a difference in the race of your charector and fishing. Now I have noticed that I tend to get tons of white pearls and scales, but I would much rather get the rare fish. Has anyone else noticed this sort of trend?


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
probably they forget the part of the elf able to get more rare resources than others :(
I have an elf too, but with my friend we are at the same level... and they are humans...


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Both hubby and I have fishers at 105 skill. He is human, I'm elf. Hubby seems to pull up more than 5x's as many rare fish than I do. I can fish a spot for darn near a whole day and get no rare fish. Hubby comes along, and within 45 minutes fishes up 3 rares. We can both fish same spot together, hubby gets rares, zero for me. Hubby can fish a spot first, pull up rares, I as elf come along and get no rares. So what gives?? I mean I can fish the exact same spot he does, he pulls out rares and I do not. I have gotten the occasional one, but nothing compared to what my human hubby gets. I have no clue what a gargoyle may get. So is there a difference in the race of your charector and fishing. Now I have noticed that I tend to get tons of white pearls and scales, but I would much rather get the rare fish. Has anyone else noticed this sort of trend?

That surprises me, when mining, for example, elves have a higher rate to pull up gems.
Not sure how it woeks for lumberjacking.

So, I would have thought that if some code had been left in also for fishing, this would have actually benefitted elves' fishers more than human ones.

Go figure......

I have no idea about Gagoyle fishers.