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-= DEVS =- Durability is drastically broken atm..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

1) My mage using a 19 DCI SC weapon casts any damaging spell on a Target and loses 1 pt of durability on the weapon roughly 50% of the time.. I cast 10 magic arrows at a guildmate and lost 5 durability from my mage weapon while taking NO other damage...

2) Titan's Hammer Whirlwind Character. With 1 Whirl Wind attack I've lost up to 5 durability in a single swing. This is durability loss over 50 times greater than what it was in the past..

3) The guildmate I cast 10 magic arrows on had some imbued items and lost 6 points of durability in those 10 damaging attacks.. 2 of those came off of his imbued bow which never did any damage....


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

it's been broken for some time and they claim it's working fine going back to the redemer sword.

but either it's broken or you have a very screwy system if a 230 + dur sword will go to zero in 30-40 min in the Trog cave

Mr. Gnome

Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

3) The guildmate I cast 10 magic arrows on had some imbued items and lost 6 points of durability in those 10 damaging attacks.. 2 of those came off of his imbued bow which never did any damage....
Good. These new items are severely overpowered and the durability on them is too much. I don't think you should even be able to repair an imbued item. They'll still last for years with normal ware and tear with no POF.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Good. These new items are severely overpowered and the durability on them is too much. I don't think you should even be able to repair an imbued item. They'll still last for years with normal ware and tear with no POF.
You dont PvP much....If you get out and solid PvP for a few hours...you could use up 50-60 durability a fight with numbers like that. I personally am just coming back so cannot testify too major losses like that. I play a dexer primarily. Ill see if Icome too the same results.

I also came back just to PvP. Can get some decent **** now for alot cheaper than before. For a weekend worth of work gathering ingreds and getting friedn to make me equipment, I am set up too PvP for months...guess what...I got 200m+ in bank...if nothing to spend on guess what...got my pots, aids, boxes, apples, petals etc. I dont play all the time just to replace gear. If came dime a dozen, no worries, but it dont!

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Good. These new items are severely overpowered and the durability on them is too much. I don't think you should even be able to repair an imbued item. They'll still last for years with normal ware and tear with no POF.
And if they weren't repairable many of us would have the item for no more then a week.

Nastia Cross

Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Vexxed, several threads have been made about this very topic (one started by myself) but there has been no response from the devs regarding it.

Its not only imbued items, but normal items as well that are losing durability at an alarming rate. Until its fixed, there's no point spawning with a mage wep equipped.

Eyes of Origin

Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

My guildies and I started to notice the change once SA was released. Doing one lich spawn on my necro kills my mage wep and my armor. Actually this is for doing anything in the underworld. I took my dexxer down to the ratmen mini spawn, had 2 soul seekers on me, both 255/255, by time I was done both were 0/40-50, same for my armor.. if its meant to be for the imbued items, I dont think I will be imbuing very much.


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

My guildies and I started to notice the change once SA was released. Doing one lich spawn on my necro kills my mage wep and my armor. Actually this is for doing anything in the underworld. I took my dexxer down to the ratmen mini spawn, had 2 soul seekers on me, both 255/255, by time I was done both were 0/40-50, same for my armor.. if its meant to be for the imbued items, I dont think I will be imbuing very much.
They have said that a weapon with 255 will last a good amount of time but yes it will wear out. I'm guessing good in this case means 3-4 weeks

Eyes of Origin

Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

lol I use to be able to do rat spawns over and over again with a soul seeker and only repaired it once every 2 weeks or so.
To go from 255/255 to 0/50 in an hour is a little insane.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

I have an imbued Yumi that every time it shoots it looses 1 durability. All the other bows that are non-imbued seem to be wearing down at a normal rate.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Good. These new items are severely overpowered and the durability on them is too much. I don't think you should even be able to repair an imbued item. They'll still last for years with normal ware and tear with no POF.
You have no understanding of overpowered then.

Items made with a val hammer...700+ intensity weight (6+ mods...5 to max)
Items made with imbuing...500 OR LESS property weight (5 or less mods...three to max)

Please explain how you come to your conclusion...thanks.

BTW...if you have an issue with this...please talk to the developers...they put the durability loss there on purpose...and yes...I too have an issue with it. 60 dur loss in less than 10 minutes is ********.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

The POINT is that Durability is Broken Atm.... There's a FoF that details exactly how durability & also self repair work ... I'll look it up, but what's needed is to compare HOW ITS WORKING NOW to that document and be very specific etc.. Saying it's broke is one thing, but being able to quantify how and in which cases is how you get it fixxed (or learn to deal with it in the worst case).... Maybe I'll have time to dig around tomorrow...

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

The POINT is that Durability is Broken Atm.... There's a FoF that details exactly how durability & also self repair work ... I'll look it up, but what's needed is to compare HOW ITS WORKING NOW to that document and be very specific etc.. Saying it's broke is one thing, but being able to quantify how and in which cases is how you get it fixxed (or learn to deal with it in the worst case).... Maybe I'll have time to dig around tomorrow...
According to one of the devs, this is as intended. Unless you talk to one directly, do not expect to find an answer to this question...as it has not been posted.

Too many complained (in beta) about things being *overpowered* so this was one of the ideas implemented on preventing items from staying around for too long.

My thought is...if enough complain about the solution, maybe it will counter the complaints about the original *problem. (*what problem?)


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

what level of runic puts out 450-500 weight weapon? gm gold is pretty close. i would think DI makes 1 mod plus the 4 other possible mods.So 500 weight points is not even close to over power 600 would be the sweet spot i would think. and drop the durability thing totally.

The only people who are saying that inbibe is over powered have a good supply line on runics above gold and don't want the competition,or they are just repeating what others have said.

The whole dur thing needs dropped and inbibe need buffed up a bit otherwise it's nearly useless as it stands


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Regardless of imbued stuff being overpowered or not, I see no reason to screw durability for everything else for the sake of this supposed overpoweredness. If such a word exists, of course.


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

The POINT is that Durability is Broken Atm.... There's a FoF that details exactly how durability & also self repair work ... I'll look it up, but what's needed is to compare HOW ITS WORKING NOW to that document and be very specific etc.. Saying it's broke is one thing, but being able to quantify how and in which cases is how you get it fixxed (or learn to deal with it in the worst case).... Maybe I'll have time to dig around tomorrow...
I have reread this 3 or 4 times now, yes it's a major issue nearly a game stopper but, it is a symptom of the bigger problem ,that being; trying to fix or compensate for something that was not broken nor an issue.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Good. These new items are severely overpowered and the durability on them is too much. I don't think you should even be able to repair an imbued item. They'll still last for years with normal ware and tear with no POF.
Overpowered i wouldnt say, it brings an aspect in the game that every player not yet but soon can have good weapons, armors and jewelery, that is not a bad idea, if we think back to the origin.

With imbuing items have not such a height weigth anylonger, thats cool and also cool is everyone can play around with it, for example one makes an armor with more hpr, the other has more stam etc.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well.. if the durability changes were an Intended change to lessen the power of Imbuing than they wen't about it all wrong... I can totally see that trying to implement Jewelry and the new gargoyle Earrings / necklaces needing to lose durability could have caused the problem but if they intended this..... Sheesh. Why Change the durability loss rates for the WHOLE system when they could have just lowered the maximum max durability that you could give any imbued item instead.. Who knows what they intended but losing durability at over 50X normal rate in some cases has to be a bug. Matter of fact I bet that a WW attack is now counting EACH creature hit as a possible cause for Durability loss. At the very worst you can hit roughly 8 creatures if your boxxed in so that would explain up to 8X increase... It has to be the hit area effect to explain ~50X increase....

Speedy Orkit

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

You dont PvP much....If you get out and solid PvP for a few hours...you could use up 50-60 durability a fight with numbers like that. I personally am just coming back so cannot testify too major losses like that. I play a dexer primarily. Ill see if Icome too the same results.

I also came back just to PvP. Can get some decent **** now for alot cheaper than before. For a weekend worth of work gathering ingreds and getting friedn to make me equipment, I am set up too PvP for months...guess what...I got 200m+ in bank...if nothing to spend on guess what...got my pots, aids, boxes, apples, petals etc. I dont play all the time just to replace gear. If came dime a dozen, no worries, but it dont!
50-60 durability a night..
255 max durability
255 repairs...

so 255 repairsx4 = over 1000 days. I'm pretty sure what the above poster just said was these would last a few years, and he is right.


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

50-60 durability a night..
255 max durability
255 repairs...

so 255 repairsx4 = over 1000 days. I'm pretty sure what the above poster just said was these would last a few years, and he is right.

he said 50-60 durabilty a FIGHT not per night.


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

My regular bow that I use to spawn with goes from 255 durability at the start of a spawn to 0/50 usually BEFORE the spawn is over now ... something is definately wrong here!

I think it's like this "guild stone issue" of not being able to elect a new guildmaster .... we are continually told nothing is wrong with it until enough people speak up and force them to actually look. At least look into these issues before responding that nothing is wrong ... please.


I too have noticed a marked change in the rate of loss of durability. But I'm no so sure it's a bad thing. It's not like things are disappearing on you or that it's difficult to repair an item.

To be honest, before PoF, you were stuck with whatever durability you got on your GM crafted whatever. I don't see much difference between crafting a sword with 125 dur or PoFing it to 255 and having it decay twice as fast.

Though I wonder if it would be possible to have two separate rates? The normal slow one for unPoFed items. And then the accelerated decay once you PoF it -which can be counteracted by imbuing self-repair (for balance if you choose to spend your intensities in that area). Might add a nice strategic element to the game.


I too have noticed a marked change in the rate of loss of durability. But I'm no so sure it's a bad thing. It's not like things are disappearing on you or that it's difficult to repair an item.

To be honest, before PoF, you were stuck with whatever durability you got on your GM crafted whatever. I don't see much difference between crafting a sword with 125 dur or PoFing it to 255 and having it decay twice as fast.

Though I wonder if it would be possible to have two separate rates? The normal slow one for unPoFed items. And then the accelerated decay once you PoF it -which can be counteracted by imbuing self-repair (for balance if you choose to spend your intensities in that area). Might add a nice strategic element to the game.
Then PoF loses it purpose and crafters take one more ding as to things that don't sell

Mr. Gnome

Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

You dont PvP much....If you get out and solid PvP for a few hours...you could use up 50-60 durability a fight with numbers like that. I personally am just coming back so cannot testify too major losses like that. I play a dexer primarily. Ill see if Icome too the same results.

I also came back just to PvP. Can get some decent **** now for alot cheaper than before. For a weekend worth of work gathering ingreds and getting friedn to make me equipment, I am set up too PvP for months...guess what...I got 200m+ in bank...if nothing to spend on guess what...got my pots, aids, boxes, apples, petals etc. I dont play all the time just to replace gear. If came dime a dozen, no worries, but it dont!
I've been pvping regularly for over 2 years... I haven't had to use a POF on anything since when I originally bought it and used it the first time.
Repair your stuff with legendary contracts too...

Most people play more than one toon as well, therefore the wear on the items is spread out.

Ring and Brace:
15 hci
+10-15 of a skill (or resist!)

That's not overpowered to you?!

This imbuing is absurd! The faction items were worse enough, and I can understand counteracting them with this junk. I'm against both!

Mr. Gnome

Imbued items should be special... used for special occasions like a tough pvp fight or tough pvm stuff.
They should have 255 durability, that's it. No repairs, no POF. (so it would be 0/255 unrepairable)

Equip the immensely overpowered item when you need it, only when you need it. Use regular stuff in the mean time.

And val hammers being overpowered? Not even close to imbued stuff. The chances of getting a godly item from them are slim enough, and most aren't even that good.


Imbued items should be special... used for special occasions like a tough pvp fight or tough pvm stuff.
They should have 255 durability, that's it. No repairs, no POF. (so it would be 0/255 unrepairable)

Equip the immensely overpowered item when you need it, only when you need it. Use regular stuff in the mean time.

And val hammers being overpowered? Not even close to imbued stuff. The chances of getting a godly item from them are slim enough, and most aren't even that good.
you sir are being very dishonest half the items you make with a gold runic can't even get much more added with inbibe they are nearly tipping the scale at the 430-500 mark

Mr. Gnome

you sir are being very dishonest half the items you make with a gold runic can't even get much more added with inbibe they are nearly tipping the scale at the 430-500 mark
I've never seen something with
and absurd resists come out of a gold runic hammer.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

what level of runic puts out 450-500 weight weapon? gm gold is pretty close. i would think DI makes 1 mod plus the 4 other possible mods.So 500 weight points is not even close to over power 600 would be the sweet spot i would think. and drop the durability thing totally.

The only people who are saying that inbibe is over powered have a good supply line on runics above gold and don't want the competition,or they are just repeating what others have said.

The whole dur thing needs dropped and inbibe need buffed up a bit otherwise it's nearly useless as it stands
I can tell you firsthand that it is not just people who have a good supply of runics complaining, but rather a large portion of the in game populace that is oblivious to the actual inner workings of items in this game. Anytime you run a beta test with mainly trammies and RPers and do not test the functionality of items in a PvP environment (endgame)...this will ALWAYS be the result.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

50-60 durability a night..
255 max durability
255 repairs...

so 255 repairsx4 = over 1000 days. I'm pretty sure what the above poster just said was these would last a few years, and he is right.
Wrong...60 durability loss in ten minutes is a far cry from a full nights play for me and many others in the game, especially around multiple spell casting monsters.


Imbued items should be special... used for special occasions like a tough pvp fight or tough pvm stuff.
That is your idea .... which bears no relationship to reality.

One of the actual design concepts with imbuing was to make high end items more fungible thus effectively reducing the item dependence.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

I can tell you firsthand that it is not just people who have a good supply of runics complaining, but rather a large portion of the in game populace that is oblivious to the actual inner workings of items in this game. Anytime you run a beta test with mainly trammies and RPers and do not test the functionality of items in a PvP environment (endgame)...this will ALWAYS be the result.
If only we could craft medable gloves with Valorite Hammers :'(.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've never seen something with
and absurd resists come out of a gold runic hammer.
You call that super duper? I wear stuff like this to bum around in and get beer from the store. What do you consider absurd anyway...or are you just throwing this crap out on a whim?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't seen any difference in losing durability to be honest. I think a lot of these posts are exaggerated. What I think the real issue is is that people are placing all their bets on imbued items and just now realizing how stuff wears out like it has always worn out. Only difference now is you can't PoF this imbued stuff sooo something MUST be broke. The other side of the same coin is now PoF costs more since everyone wants to PoF this stuff to be imbued. It basically boils down to subconscious human greed and wanting more than what was laid out on the table. Flame away.... :p

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't seen any difference in losing durability to be honest. I think a lot of these posts are exaggerated. What I think the real issue is is that people are placing all their bets on imbued items and just now realizing how stuff wears out like it has always worn out. Only difference now is you can't PoF this imbued stuff sooo something MUST be broke. The other side of the same coin is now PoF costs more since everyone wants to PoF this stuff to be imbued. It basically boils down to subconscious human greed and wanting more than what was laid out on the table. Flame away.... :p
No...they arent...go do the undead champ spawn in SA, then come back and report your findings.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No...they arent...go do the undead champ spawn in SA, then come back and report your findings.
Hehe, you act like I haven't been out there fighting stuff. There's many, many times I'm whirlwinding 8 or 9 mobs at a time and again, I see no difference in durability loss. Maybe there's an advanced durability loss for imbued items, I wouldn't know that since I've yet to use any imbued items or even plan to.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe, you act like I haven't been out there fighting stuff. There's many, many times I'm whirlwinding 8 or 9 mobs at a time and again, I see no difference in durability loss. Maybe there's an advanced durability loss for imbued items, I wouldn't know that since I've yet to use any imbued items or even plan to.
Heh...if you havent used an imbued item, then what are you doing trying to debate something that is only happening on imbued items?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heh...if you havent used an imbued item, then what are you doing trying to debate something that is only happening on imbued items?
Several posts indicate that this "problem" is happening with all items, not just imbued stuff. The whole theme of the thread is that durability in general is broken. Well, it's not.... :p


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

You can...they call those things barbed kits.
Yah, but barbed kits have min. 4 max. 5 props with 50%...100% intensity. Val hammers have 5 props and 85%...100% intensity.

The odds of getting some super delicious LMC8% MR2 LRC20% HPI5 20% x resist is about the same as popps suffering some finger snapping accident in real life so that he wouldn't be able to post here.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Several posts indicate that this "problem" is happening with all items, not just imbued stuff. The whole theme of the thread is that durability in general is broken. Well, it's not.... :p
It seems you are intelligent enough to figure out regular items are not taking a loss...is it just follow through keeping you from testing the rest? Or did you just wish to argue semantics here instead?

Reg items = fine (I can report no dur loss from unimbued items beyond normal wear)
imbued items = poop (I report irregular dur loss from imbued items will beyond normal wear)

hope that helps...

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Yah, but barbed kits have min. 4 max. 5 props with 50%...100% intensity. Val hammers have 5 props and 85%...100% intensity.

The odds of getting some super delicious LMC8% MR2 LRC20% HPI5 20% x resist is about the same as popps suffering some finger snapping accident in real life so that he wouldn't be able to post here.
Not really...considering 10 barbed kits cost the same as 1 val hammer. That is 150 uses vs. 15...:next:


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Ahh brings back memories of when items would actually break on occasion :D


Stratics Veteran
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HOW things SHOULD be working....

FoF Nov. 9th 2007

Equipment Damage, Self Repair, and You:
We posted the "short version" of how Self Repair works a few weeks ago, and it brought up some more questions. On doing some research, we found out that there was an error in our initial answer (although the actual answer to the question is fundamentally correct.) So, in the interests of clarity, here's a much longer explanation of equipment damage and Self Repair:

First off, weapons:
When you hit something, the weapon has a 5% chance to take a point of damage.
If you parry with a weapon (no shield equipped), there is a 5% chance it will take a point of damage.
If you parry against a mace weapon, your weapon has a 75% chance to take that point of damage.
Next, armor:
You get hit (by any source - weapon, spell, whatever) and you roll to see which bit of armor is affected, out of the following armor slots:
back (cape, quiver)
dress (sash, etc - the over-chest slot)
skirt (kilt, apron, etc - the over-legs slot)
If there's no item in that slot, or the item isn't one that has durability points, nothing happens
If there is a damagable item in the slot, there's a second roll to see if it takes damage
Normally, it's a 20% chance
If you got hit with a mace weapon, it's a 75% chance.
Last, shields:
If you successfully parry a blow, your shield has a 20% chance to take a point of damage.
Unless, as above, you've parried a mace - then it's a 75% chance.
Self Repair:
When an item takes damage, as determined by the above logic, the SR property adds durability equal to its intensity (so SR 1 would add one point, SR 5 would add 5 points.)
It then sets a timer, and SR doesn't go off again on that item for 60 seconds, even if the item gets damaged again. (This was the bit that was wrong in our prior answer - it's per minute, not per second.)
So, our prior answer about equipment not tending to get damaged faster than SR 5 can handle it is still more or less true (except in specific cases, like standing in pools of acid or walls of fire.) Hopefully the detailed explanation will help everyone judge when to favor SR over other properties on their gear.
This is DEFINATELY not how it's currently working.. when I have time to be more specific I'll play with durability how it is currently and figure it out but it's obvious that's it's broken atm..

Mr. Gnome

You call that super duper? I wear stuff like this to bum around in and get beer from the store. What do you consider absurd anyway...or are you just throwing this crap out on a whim?
Absurd is something like that ring/brace combo... all you need for a suit then is 70s resits. Of course if you have that nice ring/brace, you'll suit will probably have nice regenerations, maybe wearing some skill boosters, and you'll have an "absurd" weapon combo as well. Instead of making the best items more obtainable for the masses, this is only going to widen the gap between the "elite" of UO. They can afford to stock up on the stuff. Most people will still be wearing minors and such.

That is your idea .... which bears no relationship to reality.
Welcome to Stratics! A place to air ideas and opinions in which very little are reality!


I've never seen something with
and absurd resists come out of a gold runic hammer.
maybe not a gold hammer ,don't really remember been awhile since i made armor with a gold runic, but barbed kits spit those out on a very regular basis and barbed kits are way easier to get then a gold hammer. hell a horned kit will give that with descent resists not all the time like a horned but with some regularity.


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

Not really...considering 10 barbed kits cost the same as 1 val hammer. That is 150 uses vs. 15...:next:
yup see i really think those that think that inbibe is over powered don't have crafters and have not seen what you get when you craft.


Several posts indicate that this "problem" is happening with all items, not just imbued stuff. The whole theme of the thread is that durability in general is broken. Well, it's not.... :p
my two bows are not inbibed and yet lasted only 45 min to an hour so yes it is happening with regular stuff to


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK.. This thread is NOT about your opinion on how overpowered or not Imbuing is... pls keep it to how Durability loss is functioning or should be functioning heh.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
HOW things SHOULD be working....

FoF Nov. 9th 2007

Equipment Damage, Self Repair, and You:
We posted the "short version" of how Self Repair works a few weeks ago, and it brought up some more questions. On doing some research, we found out that there was an error in our initial answer (although the actual answer to the question is fundamentally correct.) So, in the interests of clarity, here's a much longer explanation of equipment damage and Self Repair:

First off, weapons:
When you hit something, the weapon has a 5% chance to take a point of damage.
If you parry with a weapon (no shield equipped), there is a 5% chance it will take a point of damage.
If you parry against a mace weapon, your weapon has a 75% chance to take that point of damage.
Next, armor:
You get hit (by any source - weapon, spell, whatever) and you roll to see which bit of armor is affected, out of the following armor slots:
back (cape, quiver)
dress (sash, etc - the over-chest slot)
skirt (kilt, apron, etc - the over-legs slot)
If there's no item in that slot, or the item isn't one that has durability points, nothing happens
If there is a damagable item in the slot, there's a second roll to see if it takes damage
Normally, it's a 20% chance
If you got hit with a mace weapon, it's a 75% chance.
Last, shields:
If you successfully parry a blow, your shield has a 20% chance to take a point of damage.
Unless, as above, you've parried a mace - then it's a 75% chance.
Self Repair:
When an item takes damage, as determined by the above logic, the SR property adds durability equal to its intensity (so SR 1 would add one point, SR 5 would add 5 points.)
It then sets a timer, and SR doesn't go off again on that item for 60 seconds, even if the item gets damaged again. (This was the bit that was wrong in our prior answer - it's per minute, not per second.)
So, our prior answer about equipment not tending to get damaged faster than SR 5 can handle it is still more or less true (except in specific cases, like standing in pools of acid or walls of fire.) Hopefully the detailed explanation will help everyone judge when to favor SR over other properties on their gear.
This is DEFINATELY not how it's currently working.. when I have time to be more specific I'll play with durability how it is currently and figure it out but it's obvious that's it's broken atm..
:pancakes:...just to clarify, the weapons in question are imbued?