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Devs, Durability for Spellbooks? Just an Idea


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Everything else we use (minus jewelry if not imbued) has durability. So, why not add it to spellbooks? It would make sense if they could be damaged. Weapons get damaged, so why can't a book if a mage is holding it?

Then you could add a new craftable for scribes.

Something like a, Spellbook Rebinding Deed. Along those lines.

Just a suggestion. :p


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Makes sense, I mean, items made out of strong metal can get ****ed up pretty hard during spawns and such, yet books stay perfect forever? God I wish mine did IRL.


"A Thick Spined Arcane Tome in Mint Condition"

awesome spell book with 225 dura, maybe higher? Some SR? Give me a job making items EA >;[


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Spellbook of the High Inquisitor
Artifact Rarity 7
Magery +5
Evaluate Intelligence +5
0 Spells
Durability 255/255

Done. Not overpowered, but would still be a nice thing for a new mage. And a spellbook with durability means more will be sold. Thus creating a better economy for scribes.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Because it's a "nerf" to mages, even though every other item has durability (even pets, loyalty rating is durability. kinda)


It's far more of a nerf because spell books also contain spells. You can't tell me you'd be THRILLED to lose your only full spellbook just as you were fighting at a champion spawn.

The current system is fine, though I wouldn't have a problem with CRAFTED spellbooks losing the blessed tag (with perhaps "blessed" being able to be imbued).

As a scribe though, I'd really love to be able to finally duplicate a full spellbook and not have to take twenty minutes to do so.


Lore Master
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Most mages ive seen carry a full spellbook in their pack. Whereas the one they are using holds no spells. Thus, they would have no chance of losing their spells. Just the book they are holding.

It makes no sense that pages of parchment are more resistant than metal. Even if the pages are magical, we have magic (high end magic) weapons that still break. Just makes no sense.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
NO No NO, bad idea! The time and effort alone, a lot of people have put in making ten's of thousands of spell books to get that perfect slayer.

The example you give is really weak 5+ magery ??+ 5 eve int 5 lmc?

I make books like this already and throw them away, as far as the name goes just use a spell book engraver.:thumbdown:

New books sure, ways to add to inscription sure, expendable books no way!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
id say this, leave it as it is, but beable to imbue spell books.. and once you imbued it, then they get 255 durability.. just like jewelery..

this way if you want you can burn 100000 dreadhorn manes in hopes of a nice scrappers.. or you can imbue one and make it last a few months. you would also have to add repair to the inscription menu :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's far more of a nerf because spell books also contain spells. You can't tell me you'd be THRILLED to lose your only full spellbook just as you were fighting at a champion spawn.

The current system is fine, though I wouldn't have a problem with CRAFTED spellbooks losing the blessed tag (with perhaps "blessed" being able to be imbued).

As a scribe though, I'd really love to be able to finally duplicate a full spellbook and not have to take twenty minutes to do so.

don't you have to try really REALLY hard and ignore durability messages for a looonnnggg time before something actually breaks?

I like this idea, i think it would breathe some new life into scribes by giving them a repair deed needed to keep the books they make in good repair.

:thumbup: for this idea ;)

Edit- as an afterthought, if people don't like the idea of losing a book due to not being able to PoF them, maybe they could introduce a craftable item to add durability to the books using high end new ingredients. so that its possible, but not so easy as to totally negate the purpose of giving them durability.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Worst idea ever.
In this case, add durability to talismans with slayers or give mages bonus from talisman slayers.


Most mages ive seen carry a full spellbook in their pack. Whereas the one they are using holds no spells. Thus, they would have no chance of losing their spells. Just the book they are holding.

It makes no sense that pages of parchment are more resistant than metal. Even if the pages are magical, we have magic (high end magic) weapons that still break. Just makes no sense.
And how exactly would you have the durability of spellbooks go down?

I do not agree with the idea, but I also do not disagree as if properly thought out I would not care, but on the other hand you are comparing a Weapon which you beat against monsters thousands of times a day vs a spellbook which (logically) you would never use to hit a creature with. What is the logic behind the durability loss? Granted the UO animation system does not allow for simple things such as "use the free hand to hit with" instead you just see the animation of hitting something with a book.

Casting spells causes durability loss? Not sure how exactly this would be a fitting scenario, at least it would be more logical than comparing the book to a metal sword.

Personally I look at this from a logical standpoint, it is not that the pieces of parchment are more durable, but rather they are never used for anything. Assuming you wanted it to be based of casting spells because you need to flip the pages to read the spells, then I would argue that eventually you would memorize every spell and the point is mute again.

I would not mind imbuing and adding durability, basically treating the books like jewelery (which actually would have a higher chance of decay due all the things you do while wearing them). But as I said if you had a reasonable answer to the durability loss situation, I would not argue with the idea (as I said, do not agree or disagree as the idea makes sense, but adding durability and never having it decrease due to the book never being "used" really defeats the point in the idea)


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Getting hit with arrows, spells, wrestle mages? All those would, possibly, injure a spellbook.

Going through dungeons, keeping it constantly equipped...Im sorry but, they should have some way of taking damage.And logically, if you cast a spell, you open the book. Opening a book alot of times will eventually cause it to take damage.

And as for the spending long hours crafting a perfect spellbook...

Whats the differance between that, and taking hours to craft the perfect weapon?


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
give to imbuing the ability to imbue spellbooks and give to that spellbooks the durability :)

actually crafted spellbooks require a lot of scrolls, plain books cannot be recycled and 99% of them are junk... its not the same thing of taking a hammer and craft a weapon...


What if there was a tool that would let you respine and recover the book to "protect the precious spell pages" you have? A tool that only scribes can use, crafted by tinkers with tailoring skills.

You would need leather to make the spine and covers and then the tinkers make the tools.

And depending on the type of leathers used, it would add durability. leather from dragons should last longer than those from bulls.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Maybe add restraints and new kinds of spellbooks dealing with leathers.

Bull Leather: No additional props
Dragon Leather: 3 props

Then we go from there with imbuing.

And as for restraints...

Could be like this.
For a simple npc book - 0 magery
For a dragon leather book - 110 magery to understand it.

Idk, its early and im tired. :p


the dura on books is of no use, if they can be repaired/POFed, and its a nerf is they can't (coz everything else -imbued items can). So if the item won't ever get destroyed anyway, why bother adding durability in the first place? after all, it's goin' to be just an annoying inconviniency.


yea and add durability to chars , why do you live forever?

and to houses (bad weather etc.)

makes sense?


Lore Keeper
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Make Spellbook imbuable! (and dura) And make instruments imbuable (with slayer props)


Grand Poobah
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As a scribe though, I'd really love to be able to finally duplicate a full spellbook and not have to take twenty minutes to do so.

I would love to have an option for that.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Everything else we use (minus jewelry if not imbued) has durability. So, why not add it to spellbooks? It would make sense if they could be damaged. Weapons get damaged, so why can't a book if a mage is holding it?

Then you could add a new craftable for scribes.

Something like a, Spellbook Rebinding Deed. Along those lines.

Just a suggestion. :p
What about all the Vet cloaks, robes and dresses, Crimson, the elf style robes with mods. Why stop at spell books? You forgot chiv, spellweave and all the other books. Tallies, the list could go on. Lets just make everything have DUR.
NOT :thumbdown:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Spellbook of the High Inquisitor
Artifact Rarity 7
Magery +5
Evaluate Intelligence +5
0 Spells
Durability 255/255

Done. Not overpowered, but would still be a nice thing for a new mage. And a spellbook with durability means more will be sold. Thus creating a better economy for scribes.
I'll stick to no durability Scrapper's Compendium. =]


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Normal crafted spell books shouldn't have durability, crafted artifact books (scrappers), and spawning should, and normal crafted books should be imbued but have a durability added like everything else. :pint:

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uhm, as a mage and a scribe.. I vote no.

In "reality", a mage would never hit something with their precious spellbook. That would be like using a faberge egg to crack a walnut.

I'm against anything that further nerfs mages. We already do far less damage then a warrior when with 120 magery/eval, 100 scribe, 125+ int, 40+ SDI, AND a slayer book... especially on the event mobs.

Don't get me started on 5-14 damage flamestrikes on a vanguard...

Rebalance magery combat damage to be inline with the other combat skills first. THEN talk about durability for books. However, I'm all for imbuable spellbooks...durability or not.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only thing you want this durability thing to be added to spell books is to let us imbue a set of mods (including hit spells and ssi) in to the book and I will call the durability thing fair.

Spellbook is also the only weapon that cannot be imbued even if you use a BLANK GM MADE ONE. And the only weapon that doesnt give out leetass/overpowered mods like hit spell effects, ssi and hci.

If you want to make everyone equal then please give mage something at least comparable to dexer weapons.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Reagents Bag equivalent to quiver functionality would be nice.
So we could return to battle after res without lrc.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with the OP. If a mage has a book equipped, then it should take damage just as my bows and axes take damage. I've really never thought about this but... wow. You are absolutely right. I understand the dismay that mages have but really, black smiths go through a lot of gold for their runic hammers and ingots to make the perfect weapon, and now they buy expensive ingradiants which they sometimes loose. You can make the claim that spellbooks take a lot of time and resources to make, but so do weapons. If you're running and say, a ratman hits you, it's very possible your book takes damage. And I think if I was carrying a giant ass book when an arrow was shot at me, I'd use the book to dodge the hit.
I don't know why it was chosen for spellbooks not to be imbued because I also think that's unfair for mages and scribes, but I still think that books should take damage.
You dig?


Reagents Bag equivalent to quiver functionality would be nice.
So we could return to battle after res without lrc.
Why would you need this when you can insure your entire 100% LRC suit and have it with you upon death, just needing to be re-equipped?


Reagents Bag equivalent to quiver functionality would be nice.
So we could return to battle after res without lrc.
Why would you need this when you can insure your entire 100% LRC suit and have it with you upon death, just needing to be re-equipped?
Or better, just insure a set of arcane clothing. That's at least 48 greater spell casts nowadays, or 96 lesser spells.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can spellbooks be imbued yet? If not, no dice. Else give us Runic Pens rofl.

Getting a super slayer book is so much harder than getting a super slayer weapon, plus most PvP mages don't use spellbooks anyway so it would just mess up PvMers.


a lot of people have put in making ten's of thousands of spell books to get that perfect slayer
That indicates something wrong with the current inscription system.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Getting a super slayer book is so much harder than getting a super slayer weapon, plus most PvP mages don't use spellbooks anyway so it would just mess up PvMers.
WOW! How can you be a Mage of any kind and not use a spellbook?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WOW! How can you be a Mage of any kind and not use a spellbook?
Factions, mage wep, crystalline ring. PvP doesn't require slayers, for the most part, plus most spellbooks dont have decent dci.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Factions, mage wep, crystalline ring. PvP doesn't require slayers, for the most part, plus most spellbooks dont have decent dci.
You didn't say spellbook with mods, you said a spellbook.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or better, just insure a set of arcane clothing. That's at least 48 greater spell casts nowadays, or 96 lesser spells.
The point is that you need to spend 500% properties to lrc.
When archers can spent only 600gp to have 500 arrows/bolts.


The point is that you need to spend 500% properties to lrc.
When archers can spent only 600gp to have 500 arrows/bolts.
make a quiver that Never runs out of arrows or quivers and give that to an archer, then you can compare an archer's arrows/bolts to an lrc suit.

to say that archers have bolts/arrows to fight compared to mages, is just saying that in order for a mage to work, all he needs are reagents and spells; which they do. and it doesn't cost points, maybe just the same 600 gp.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Arrows and bolts can be crafted and bought, reagents can be bought and cavered from loot, but to collect good amount from loot, you need to spent realy a lot of time for that.
Anobody here tried to collect reagents from loot?
p.s. Compare time requirements to make 500 arrows and 60 of each reagents.
p.s. Also you can compare damage from mage and from archer, different, isn't it? =)


Crazed Zealot
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Inscription deserves an overhaul/update. If I was able to make some changes related to spellbooks and inscription, it would be the following:

1) Add runic scribe pens to increase properties (would be nice to craft up to max 30 SDI, 10 DCI, 8 int, +15 skills, etc.) and increase chance for super slayers with the runic pens

2) Add new recipies (other than the Scrappers) that make other types of spellbooks, necro books, or mysticism books with other desirable attributes (would require peerless or SA ingredients). How about a Tome of Deceit for a necro craftable artifact book (30 SDI, 8 Int, 5 LMC, +15 Necromancy) or something like that.

3) Leave the lack of durability as-is for Scribe crafted spellbooks

4) Make spellbooks imbuable (able to add SDI, slayer, DCI, mana increase, int increase, FC, FCR, LMC, LRC), but then add 255/255 durability so they permanently wear out like all other imbued items (non-POFable).

5) Add other slayer types to craftable spellbooks including the Mondain's Legacy slayers (i.e. Vermin, Flame, Ice, Mage, Bovine, Bat, Wolf, Fey, Bear, etc). These would be regular slayers (non-superslayers).

That's what I would add to breath new life into inscription.
