Dismount/bola is nothing but a tool for those who already have a lot of power...like gankers. Or tamers.
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I'm sure that some people get quite upset when their speed hacks don't preserve their fragile butts. I'm not saying you are one of those, but if you are jumped by three or more people, and it truly is three to one, you should just expect to die. One person shouldn't be able to survive against three attackers, if they can, their is something wrong with the game - unless of course the attackers really suck...
As for tamers being over powered. Greater dragons evened the playing field somewhat. I don't see tamers simply being unable to compete, the way it generally was before they came along, but honestly, I would still say that most tamers that I see, even those with bolas and greater dragons, still have bad kd ratios (ie. they die more often than they kill).
Pets are slow, and stupid - although the recent changes to pet a.i. has improved things, but they are still slow. You get rid of bolas, or dismount weapons, and you will just about completely remove tamers from pvp (which I realize is usually the point of posts like these), you also make it virtually impossible for anyone on foot without ninja to have a chance.
Frankly, the whole idea of mounted combat should be looked at. Mounted combat should involve a riding skill. You shouldn't even be able to ride without some riding skill, and any skill you attempt to use while mounted should be capped by your riding skill (ie. if you want to fight as a legendary warrior from horse back, you should have legendary riding skill). Your mounted speed should also be capped by your riding skill. THEN you could make using a bola dependent on the bola skill, as it should be, and allow it to be defended against.
And of course, as part of these changes, movement speed in the 2D client, should no longer be processor and connection dependent (as is the case with the KR client), which would emasculate the true bs of speed hacking. I laugh every time some one says to me, "I have a perfect connection," or, "I ping under 10 to the server ***tch!" Obvious, blatant lies...