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[Fishing] Developer Live UStream chat : what was said in regards to fishing ?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does anyone know what was said at the Developer Live UStream chat about fishing ?

I heard that next patch will contain a fix for the reputation bug but does this mean it will be possible to do multi-orders again or are they talking about some other bug, not the one that forces to play single-orders ?

What about the 110 PS problem (dungeon fish orders only available at 106 skill...) ?
Was anything said about this ?

Did they say anything about 115 and 120 powerscrolls ?

I mean, what was said about fishing ?



I wish I had taken notes, but from what I can remember, they said they identified a bug that caused people to lose reputation with mongers and it has been fixed in pub 69. They did not elaborate on what the bug was.

I believe they also said there was a fix so you can now get dungeon orders at 105.

They did not mention power scrolls.

There was a question about "trap fishes only giving 1/2 points" and the Dev said that wasn't right and he didn't know how anyone could've come to that conclusion. He said that the trap fishes(crabs, etc) were giving the correct amount of points and no fix was needed for that. He did say there was going to be a community collection for the plain crabs and lobsters.

He also talked about a "bracket system" where certain rewards were only available at certain brackets. The bracket information will not be disclosed. He also said that the baits are working as intended and they only increase your chance of getting the rare fish from like really, really rare, to just rare.

That's about all I remember. Maybe someone else will add more.