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Developer Answers on Jumpgate



[drupal=30666]Developer Answers on Jumpgate[/drupal]

MMORPG.com has hosted some developer answers from the Jumpgate Evolution forums; you know, the "blue" answers. There's some really useful tidbits of information there. The questions ranged everywhere from gatecamping, to manual docking, to PVP servers and how to boost yourself away from combat.* For instance:
Docking: Docking is being referred to as "Manual and requiring some skill". Also when docking, you have to fly manually 50-100 meters into the station and only then control is taken away from you. Is this true?It was also said that docking gets harder later in game. Where? Could you give some examples of ways it could be made more difficult?

Zzeno: Docking seems to get harder as you get the heavier ships. You do get the auto dock kicking in when you hit the right area by the docking bay, though we do have a station where you have to pinpoint that spot. Now we don't have destruction on crashing into a station, and whether we add that to later stations is still one we're looking at. We've been doing testing on the hole collision and destruction model for many of the large bosses in game and we actually like them, though we reverted the first boss to a non-destruction model as it was incredibly harsh to new players. Once they hit the second boss, they'll understand the need to be careful. Now whether we take this thinking to stations is still something on the cards.

We hope to have some information for you from the Jumpgate Evolution Beta sometime soon.

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