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Dev Meet and Greets Mizuho March 8th 9am ET


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yes in the throne room


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yes Drakelord sent it to me this morning, I didn't have time to work on it until now so it will be available soon.


I second the request for a way to toggle the effect of the Earthquake spell. It makes me extremely nauseous and dizzy; when people are using it at like community spawns I'm basically unable to play.

Billy Butcher

It sounded like they may actually make earthquake toggle option, which I would love. Kinda like the idea of animal mask too, now we can have animal farm parties and tea.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
meez lik da part aboot da animal hed maskz - meez gunna mak all meez hummie slabez wear da hed ob uh jackazz!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Beginning was pretty bad, then it got better. I guess we will get animal masks that a specific player wants.

I should go to the next one and request a goblin mask. Everyone deserves a chance to be that UGLY!
Fixed it for ya.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Beginning was pretty bad, then it got better. I guess we will get animal masks that a specific player wants.

Fixed it for ya.
Yooz tinie insignifikant hummie - yooz mak sorriez to yooz Queen! Yooz must walk all ober da world proklaiming meez booty while whippin yoozself or meez will kill all da Cuz! - Meez in da procezz ob killin all da lionz so dunt tink meez wont dooz it!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With the new Hat transmog, Masks will be neat. Fish heads!!!

Slimy and stinky like a Goblin!



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
This was the first M&G I've actually been able to attend that I can remember. I wasn't able to focus on it after the first hour because I had a conference call I had to join but for the first hour I was glad I did join (I did get to ask my question on Hooks map). Often times I'll look at the transcript and kind of gloss over 90% of the questions because they don't pertain to me or even make me say "good question". Since I was sitting through the questions being asked this time around i was able to actually think about the questions and the responses.

For what it's worth, I think the Devs get a lot of stupid questions (or something that literally only a few people actually think is good) and sometimes they just try to be nice with their answers (ie. We will look into that / We will discuss). Perfect example is someone asked to make Minesweeper a thing in UO... Mesanna said they would discuss. That should have just been a simple "No - next question" (although if it was I'm sure the mob would say Devs are too dismissive). Another question was about someone playing a swordsman for some long period of time and wanted a title or something for doing so. There are almost 100 different titles and this person was asking for even more... Mesanna entertained it but again that seems like a pretty easy "No" to me as it's only geared towards that 1 person. One person was even asking about allowing them to like secure a bag on the ground in public to show off their rewards or something?? I'm not totally sure if that was mistranslated but it was something they will never do.

The list can go on and on of the "single person game play" questions I saw just while I was able to attend that were people making about off the wall requests without thinking of the bigger picture of UO or asking things for the general public (like someone asked about the book straps). So while sometimes we do get the generic "We will look into that" or "it is working as intended"; I kind of see why we see that so much. Personally I'd much rather them just flat out say "No" and just put an end to it but I'm sure that would rub people the wrong way too.

Few other notable things that you wouldn't know by just the transcript:
  • I do think there were a handful of questions that made sense; but what the transcript doesn't show is that this M&G went on almost 2 hours.... so 5-10min of actual good questions in roughly 100 minutes.
  • Bleak was 5-10min late because he was having "computer issues". Is it just me or should the DB Engineer be the LAST person having computer issues? No wonder Vendor Search doesn't work :hahaha:


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I do think there were a handful of questions that made sense; but what the transcript doesn't show is that this M&G went on almost 2 hours.... so 5-10min of actual good questions in roughly 100 minutes.

The reason for this is because it was on a Japanese server and it takes time for Asiantam to translate. I don't know how Drake records his journal but his doesn't catch the Japanese Characters like mine does or I would have posted those as well. It does make the M&G a LOT longer.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This was the first M&G I've actually been able to attend that I can remember. I wasn't able to focus on it after the first hour because I had a conference call I had to join but for the first hour I was glad I did join (I did get to ask my question on Hooks map). Often times I'll look at the transcript and kind of gloss over 90% of the questions because they don't pertain to me or even make me say "good question". Since I was sitting through the questions being asked this time around i was able to actually think about the questions and the responses.

For what it's worth, I think the Devs get a lot of stupid questions (or something that literally only a few people actually think is good) and sometimes they just try to be nice with their answers (ie. We will look into that / We will discuss). Perfect example is someone asked to make Minesweeper a thing in UO... Mesanna said they would discuss. That should have just been a simple "No - next question" (although if it was I'm sure the mob would say Devs are too dismissive). Another question was about someone playing a swordsman for some long period of time and wanted a title or something for doing so. There are almost 100 different titles and this person was asking for even more... Mesanna entertained it but again that seems like a pretty easy "No" to me as it's only geared towards that 1 person. One person was even asking about allowing them to like secure a bag on the ground in public to show off their rewards or something?? I'm not totally sure if that was mistranslated but it was something they will never do.

The list can go on and on of the "single person game play" questions I saw just while I was able to attend that were people making about off the wall requests without thinking of the bigger picture of UO or asking things for the general public (like someone asked about the book straps). So while sometimes we do get the generic "We will look into that" or "it is working as intended"; I kind of see why we see that so much. Personally I'd much rather them just flat out say "No" and just put an end to it but I'm sure that would rub people the wrong way too.

Few other notable things that you wouldn't know by just the transcript:
  • I do think there were a handful of questions that made sense; but what the transcript doesn't show is that this M&G went on almost 2 hours.... so 5-10min of actual good questions in roughly 100 minutes.
  • Bleak was 5-10min late because he was having "computer issues". Is it just me or should the DB Engineer be the LAST person having computer issues? No wonder Vendor Search doesn't work :hahaha:
Yup I been saying that for a long time. Lots of stupid questions or questions about an individual players situation.

I doubt they intended these to be like this. In other games the representatives that show up talk about themselves or what's coming up.
Some of the EMs run theirs as fun chat time. These are more like grill the developers.


UO Forum Moderator
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It sounded like they may actually make earthquake toggle option, which I would love. Kinda like the idea of animal mask too, now we can have animal farm parties and tea.
But which animals will be more equal than the others?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
The reason for this is because it was on a Japanese server and it takes time for Asiantam to translate. I don't know how Drake records his journal but his doesn't catch the Japanese Characters like mine does or I would have posted those as well. It does make the M&G a LOT longer.
Most times I do catch all of it, but for some strange reason that log did not record any of the Japanese, a blessing for most of us. I just got a new laptop so I will see how well that works out at the next over there M&G.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I am not happy about the book Strap for runebooks and spellbooks being Vet rewards. However it would be nice if you did pick it as a reward you got both as a count of #1 and not #2.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Two words.
Runic atlas.
Two more words...

Personal Preference...

I do not like the Runic Atlas...they are too big and ugly


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Wiki Moderator
Yeah and I don't like having to flip pages either...I like to have everything right in front of me, I'm so OCD that way!

I have tried using the Runic Atlas on my T-Hunter that I just started working on again and I keep forgetting there are more pages!

I will eventually get used to them I hope! And start fresh with that character...but with my tamer? She's just too old school lol.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I don't even understand the need for those...are people really carrying entire rune libraries around in their top pack?
I agree to a point. For the price of a veteran reward pick (and just 1 book strap) it's not even close to being worth it for what they actually do. I suggested on multiple forums and platforms that they should either be a recipe (via vet reward pick) or a set at the very least but honestly should change functionality wise so that spellBOOKS/runeBOOKS all can go into the same BOOK strap and have a container limit of 125 that only counts as 1 item and maybe 50 stones. If they made the strap actually help with item counts maybe the vet pick moves into the category of pick worthy. At this point they are just going to be something like the Vet Reward potted cactus that nobody ever picks and just goes unused for the most part.


Stratics Veteran
Problem with runic atlas vs runebook -i double click on destination point in the book and go, in atlas, need to pick location first (click on the coresponding rune) then go down to the menu and click recall option. Using pincos, i just set default way of using a runebook, be that either recall from scroll, or gate travel, or just magic recall. Cant do same from atlas, more clicking involved

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
Yeah and I don't like having to flip pages either...I like to have everything right in front of me, I'm so OCD that way!

I have tried using the Runic Atlas on my T-Hunter that I just started working on again and I keep forgetting there are more pages!

I will eventually get used to them I hope! And start fresh with that character...but with my tamer? She's just too old school lol.
i used many pens of wisdom to make many sets of rune books for all my chars. then they came out with the atlas. wasnt exactly happy lol.