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Dev M&G: Pacific February 8 @ 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm EST


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will we get new items on the Pirate vendor for "It's a Pirates Life"?

Other than that I don't care. I and many others have fun playing UO every day.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I am still waiting on the older list, like can we drop full smaller rune books in the atlas, can we reorganize these atlas' runes without having to take all out. That is mine biggest one.

I gave up on the Sorcery Tower on Sonoma, its a lost cause after shooting me down with that "no" we will not return the banker.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
That was in the email, those questions. Answer basically is, they will do what they want to do, when they see fit to do it.
Not even bothering asking anything else, it's a total freaking joke...go stand in line, waste time while a few worshippers ooh and aah and fawn over her, then be told maybe, we will see, later...

Even my grandkids have gotten wise to those answers.


I think they'd be better off eliminating these things altogether. It's clear they're not interested in actually interacting with the player base; it feels like something they're being forced to do, and that they hate it. Between the cancelled events, the ones that are miscommunicated, the complete lack of meaningful interaction, and the palpable lack of interest on the part of the devs, I think these things do more harm than good.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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There is no point in going to a M&G anymore... we all know all the answers that will be given and 1/2 the time they don't even understand the question or problem to begin with and give non-answers... (No, Never, We can't replicate that, Send an Email, We'll add that to our list(NOT)... Can't answer that.)

Pointless. They will do whatever it is they want to do and they don't really care if 95% of the player base isn't interested or doesn't like it...

Whatever they do will be an absolute grind that will be done by about 5% of the player-base(1/2 of which will be near AFK Multiboxers) while everyone else gets more and more frustrated and disgusted... or just pretends like whatever was in the publish doesn't exist... buy the drop from those with more time than sense who will farm it all day every day because they got nothing better to do with their lives ... and move on...

Eventually, though everyone else will become so bored doing the same ole things that they will play less and less and buy less and less and then the ones who actually do all that farming will be left with no one to sell stuff to... but by then it'll be too late to bring back the masses with any actual content worth wasting your precious time for.

Whitewolf of *VK*

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
can we make it so we can use PS and SoT books while they are in our banks? not eveyone has a house to lock em down in, can we make Hydras tamable? can we get a mount that will hold 2 people at once?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Yes I totally spaced it, left myself a sticky note on my desk and everything and got caught up re-decorating my house on Siege :/ DOH!

I can always count on Drakelord to save the day! Thanks Drake!

I am working on it now.