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Dev´s,why not.....?


Der Rock

know the hell why we cant ress pets(non tamer player) at brit veterinary´s ? WHY

if it is technical impossible to let the veterinarys ress our pets,then how about this idia:

give the hitching post a upgrade,
why we cant use the hitching post like a general stable for house co-owner and friends
so we could stable the dead pet, log off to tamer and ress our pets
(would be an extrem help if the tamer is on the same acc as the dead pet)

think about pet ressing(i only mean non-combat pets here)

so many ludicrous things got changed in game, why not change something usefull ;)


know the hell why we cant ress pets(non tamer player) at brit veterinary´s ? WHY

if it is technical impossible to let the veterinarys ress our pets,then how about this idia:

give the hitching post a upgrade,
why we cant use the hitching post like a general stable for house co-owner and friends
so we could stable the dead pet, log off to tamer and ress our pets
(would be an extrem help if the tamer is on the same acc as the dead pet)

think about pet ressing(i only mean non-combat pets here)

so many ludicrous things got changed in game, why not change something usefull ;)
Except you can not stable dead pets, and of course you can not unstable other players pets. And why should non-combat pets be the only ones they think about? Everything being equal you either get vet or you don't, if you don't have it then you need to find someone who does. Not like excluding combat pets affects all tamers, only affects those with out vet.

wee papa smurf

It is frustrating trying to find a healer at certain times, maybe it would be a good idea to have something available to res your pet :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
on dead shards LOL
good post ;)
Far better then yours mate.

If you really have that much problem with your pet being dead maybe you need to adapt in some way.
1# Get more mounts and get another one when the first dies. You can even add them to Pet Balls
2# Train up Vet on your char
3# Get an ethereal
4# Get a Charger of the fallen
5# get a facrtion horse
6# Train more so that you dont die ;)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why not change something usefull ;)
Like adding wandering healers to T2A?


But really. If you have that much of a problem just add vet to your character since I assume you're a tamer. If not try getting yourself an immortal mount.

Asahina Yajinden

Good luck w/ this one i said the same thing, and got the same answers put vet on your char, you are totally ruining player interaction, bahhh humbug!!!

sometimes your gonna die, and then soon after your pet is sure to follow leaving you to walk aroun at the mercy of other people's kindness and imho thats pretty pathetic.

say your cat jumps up in your lap, and onto your keyboard,or you get para'd mana drained, and then go grey from that para balron, or a valorite elemental is having a bad day and beats you and your fire beetle into sticky goo....... so now u can either

.1 wait around till someone rez's ur swampie, lesser hiryu.
.2 hmmm ugh... oh yeah wait around for somone to rez your pet.
.3 and finally wait around for somone to rez your pet

for some reason some people are totally against an obvious change to the game that would be helpful, and beneficial to non tamer char's, and god forbid a stable master or vet would dare offer this service (gold sink)
but sure let me train you 30 pt's in a skill.

like i said before i support the idea as i feel it would be a long awaited improvement.......BUT for some reason this topic brings out the smartass comments from some people, and sadly i advise you to pick up a stick and join me beating what's left of this dead horse carcass:bdh:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is a good idea. It just isn't going to happen, at least not anytime soon. Hence me displaying that ancient idea of adding wandering healers to T2A. Great idea, but long forgotten.


Good luck w/ this one i said the same thing, and got the same answers put vet on your char, you are totally ruining player interaction, bahhh humbug!!!

sometimes your gonna die, and then soon after your pet is sure to follow leaving you to walk aroun at the mercy of other people's kindness and imho thats pretty pathetic.

say your cat jumps up in your lap, and onto your keyboard,or you get para'd mana drained, and then go grey from that para balron, or a valorite elemental is having a bad day and beats you and your fire beetle into sticky goo....... so now u can either

.1 wait around till someone rez's ur swampie, lesser hiryu.
.2 hmmm ugh... oh yeah wait around for somone to rez your pet.
.3 and finally wait around for somone to rez your pet

for some reason some people are totally against an obvious change to the game that would be helpful, and beneficial to non tamer char's, and god forbid a stable master or vet would dare offer this service (gold sink)
but sure let me train you 30 pt's in a skill.

like i said before i support the idea as i feel it would be a long awaited improvement.......BUT for some reason this topic brings out the smartass comments from some people, and sadly i advise you to pick up a stick and join me beating what's left of this dead horse carcass:bdh:
The reason for this is that the majority of people here do not have a problem having someone else res their pets. We play an MMO, I personally discourage anything in game that promotes the "single player" attitude, if you are so unsociable that you can not play a multi-player game, perhaps I should show you over here to the single player isle.

And if your response to this has anything to do with the player base, I will repeat my previous question "What shard do you play on that does not have any other players?"

Old Man of UO

IF any form of pet rez by the stable master gets implemented, I would suggest that this works for only 1 slot pets, maybe even 2 slot pets. Anything higher than that would require a tamer to control and that tamer should have the vet skill to rez his/her own pet, or make friends in the game to rez them for you.

Asahina Yajinden

Cloak‡1300158 said:
The reason for this is that the majority of people here do not have a problem having someone else res their pets. We play an MMO, I personally discourage anything in game that promotes the "single player" attitude, if you are so unsociable that you can not play a multi-player game, perhaps I should show you over here to the single player isle.

And if your response to this has anything to do with the player base, I will repeat my previous question "What shard do you play on that does not have any other players?"
not even 2 minutes, and already answered w/ a customer support like canned answer ...... sir you must conform to the standard.

i personally discourage anything in game that makes you rely on another player when you should be able to rely on any npc for somthing as simple as a pet rez.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well wait for SA.
Ive read really frustrating things about none tamers being able to ress their pet's :S



"Player Interaction"
Maybe that's the main thing but if you look at the history. First people asked by you need a tailor/carpenter/blacksmith to repair items, answer was "player interaction". Then repairing deeds are introduced.

Pet rezzes... player interaction... maybe... maybe it will all change in SA... ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Let me tell you a thing or two about player interaction!

I live on one of the more populated shards GL... and I'll say this there have been times when I've had to go from Luna to Haven to Luna and Brit and then stand around Luna for 30 min or more trying to get someone to rez my dead pet... only to finally get extremely annoyed and go get on another computer and rez my own pet because it was obvious that it wasn't going to get done otherwise.

I'm not about to log out with my pet still being dead... it's rumored that it may not be there when I get back... My T-Hunter, my crafters, and sometimes even my dexers have gone in need of a pet rez and I've had to wait as long as an hour trying to get someone to rez my pet only to finally give up and do it myself. Not everyone else HAS that luxury... some don't have any way to get a pet rez and it can be extremely frustrating... I see no reason why the Vet in Britain can't rez dead pets.

As for me on my tamer unless I think your garbage (ie you have been doing unjust things, such as refusing to rez people, spawn jumping, smack talking or otherwise being trash ingame) I will ALWAYS rez a pet for someone, no matter where I am... however there are some who won't. And quite often the case is that there either are NO tamers around or the ones who ARE at places like Luna bank are afk and have been for hours...

So don't tell me about player interaction... besides they ruined all of that the day they put out the repair deeds.


not even 2 minutes, and already answered w/ a customer support like canned answer ...... sir you must conform to the standard.

i personally discourage anything in game that makes you rely on another player when you should be able to rely on any npc for somthing as simple as a pet rez.
As stated I can easily point you over here to the single player games isle. :)

I can see the obvious fruitlessness of arguing with you so I am not going to even begin to address anything else you said. *tips hat*

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
know the hell why we cant ress pets(non tamer player) at brit veterinary´s ? WHY
The answer is simple: NPCs should not be able to perform every service/skill a player can.

If they do add some form of "non player rezzing", wether a deed or NPC function then it needs some heavy restrictions: cant use in dungeons; can only use in NPC Veterinary shops (not Stables), can only use one once per day per character; not easy/cheap to make. Those are the few I could come up with.

Personally, I don't see the need to add this into the game. I have never had a problem getting a pet rezzed. I have found all you need to do is ask someone, not just aimlessly tow it around a bank, then give up. They are usaully more than willing to log on with their tamer or call one for you. If you can't find someone at one bank, go to another. Try some of the other hotspots too, not just banks.

Stayin Alive,



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Player Interaction"
At one time I would have agreed with you. Now however ... we're way past the point of no return on player interaction.

Unless of course they do stuff such as abolish repair deeds, go down the siege route of making commodities unavailable from NPC's etc. But that would just cause an outcry from those who like it on a plate.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As for me on my tamer unless I think your garbage (ie you have been doing unjust things, such as refusing to rez people, spawn jumping, smack talking or otherwise being trash ingame) I will ALWAYS rez a pet for someone, no matter where I am...
I lollow the same practice, for rezzing pets. I will even go out of my way to log on with my tamer to rez someone's pets (it all depends on where I am at and how easy I can get there with my tamer). If my tamer can't get there, I will offer to meet them elsewhere to rez the pet.

I understand people not having Vet in their template (their choice), but there are obvious drawbacks, as with any set of skills. If this happens to them frequently, then they might want to reconsider having Vet.

Stayin Alive,


a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's a good idea but only if there's no real players around so it could be made expensive AND limited use, as in once per day NPC vet pet rez per character costing I dunno, 5k or more?

Kensai Tsunami

i play on a very populated shard, yet a few times i have encountered this problem with my samurai. here is what hap's:

i'm out hunting alone (usually cuz its very late and very few ppl are online) and i get mobbed and die.
my swampy gets ganked (that particular char rides the swampy for the 20% damage absorb, tho i really dont like the look of the thing and wouldnt ever think about riding one if it didnt provide that added protection).
so i rez thru one of the several means available.
then i have to chase my swampy down or use a pet ball to summon it to me cuz for some reason, even tho i always have it set to 'follow me' it just doesnt comply.
ok so i go wandering around to get a pet rez only to find that there isnt a single tamer around at the time.

granted it hasnt hap'd very often but when it does its a pain in the butt.
i have often wondered why we can rez as player chars, yet are not offered the same feature for this type of pet.
my samurai char's temp is already super cramped and there is no way to add vet to him, so it would be nice if they would consider some sort of pet rez in the future.
as others have stated tho, i aint gonna hold my breath.
just thought i'd toss that lil senario out there.



"Player Interaction"
on dead shards LOL
good post ;)
You asked "devs, why not?". I quoted the reason the devs have given time and again whenever someone's complained about spending 500gp on a new horse. :bdh:

Personally, I don't really feel strongly one way or the other. I mightn't have even opened the thread if it had had a meaningful title. Maybe they'll put npc pet resurrection in a future publish.

As for repair deeds, they were introduced to prevent scammers taking advantage of people who didn't take the time to get to know a good crafter, so.. yeah, I think that's giving in to the single-player mindset. But it's not as if a veterinarian can steal your horse.


IF any form of pet rez by the stable master gets implemented, I would suggest that this works for only 1 slot pets, maybe even 2 slot pets. Anything higher than that would require a tamer to control and that tamer should have the vet skill to rez his/her own pet, or make friends in the game to rez them for you.
I'd almost agree with this but you run into the blue beetle issue.

I'd say NPC pet rezzes on any pets that do NOT require a skill to use... ie if you need ANY taming or ANY bushido, no NPC rez. Thus all the "normal" ridables like horses, llamas, swampies, and beetles could rez but none of the hiryus, dragons, rune beetles, etc.

My thought on this has nothing to do with player interaction or anything so benign. It has purely to do with PvP abuse of pets.

I can spend a hair under 200 points and use a greater dragon or dread mare. If you've ever PvP'd you know how much these pets screw up PvP. And yes, 200 points is fact... I've got one of these dread templates in my list that uses 94 taming and 104 lore thanks to some above average jewelry:coco: Worse case is a hair over 220 with no jewelry(and a LOT of SOTs:coco: )

If they even considered implementing a pet rez device outside of a player, I would like to see a significant cost associated with it and it only work in town(either NPC or item stuck in town... NO in player house type stuff or deeds working anywhere)


If they even considered implementing a pet rez device outside of a player, I would like to see a significant cost associated with it and it only work in town(either NPC or item stuck in town... NO in player house type stuff or deeds working anywhere)
Some no-requirement pets are actually fair to decent when trained up, to say nothing of pack instinct damage bonus. A significant cost should offset some potential abuse of the system eg: virtually immortal tank creature. Maybe a cool-down period as well, perhaps a significant stat/skill loss for each NPC res.


Let us not forget that the most succesful MMO in history of the genre allows players to basically do everything by themselves.

Might get flamed for that, but it's true. If you don't play on a populated shard or at peak times it can be very difficult to find a pet resser. I'd be in support of a pet resser that charges a very solid fee (20k) to discourage players from using it when someone else who can pet res is available, but still giving them the option.


Some no-requirement pets are actually fair to decent when trained up, to say nothing of pack instinct damage bonus. A significant cost should offset some potential abuse of the system eg: virtually immortal tank creature. Maybe a cool-down period as well, perhaps a significant stat/skill loss for each NPC res.
True... but there is little to no blue beetle or fire beetle abuse going on now is there?:thumbsup: A blue beetle isn't going to two hit combo someone with all 70 resists.:next:

As for pack instinct, considering that the only zero skill pets that have it are cats and regular ostards, I think the world is safe rezzing those:p

Again, my larger issue with NPC rezzes is it makes it way too convenient for the people abusing pets in PvP more than it already is to make even more powerful cramped templates at the sacrifice of vet.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
True... but there is little to no blue beetle or fire beetle abuse going on now is there?
A trained blue beetle, fire beetle, or swamp dragon cannot be simply ignored in combat. They are very effective once trained. Try it. They will be "abused" if a character without Vet can rez them.

Stayin Alive,


Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe a cool-down period as well, perhaps a significant stat/skill loss for each NPC res.
Very significant stat/skill loss, somewhere around 5pts/5% each at least.

Stayin Alive,



A trained blue beetle, fire beetle, or swamp dragon cannot be simply ignored in combat. They are very effective once trained. Try it. They will be "abused" if a character without Vet can rez them.
If you are going to try to argue, please quote the WHOLE argument.:coco: You seem to have forgotten the fact of "A blue beetle isn't going to two hit combo someone with all 70 resists.":coco:

How many rideable beetles that can two hit kill someone do YOU know?

How many times in PvP have you seen a guy run up on a blue beetle, hop off, and yell "ALL KILL"?

The answer to those two questions is NONE. If you know otherwise, please video that and share.:coco:

Go watch some PvP and tell me what pets are currently being used actively... ie, ones that someone is actually saying "ALL KILL" to. Odds are it is going to be one of the following: dread mare, greater dragon, rune beetle, hiryu, lesser hiryu, baksuna.

The only time you will see something other than the above is someone doing something to be a smartypants. You know, the guy that shows up to yew gate with 5 bonded and fully trained chickens for a laugh.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you are going to try to argue, please quote the WHOLE argument. You seem to have forgotten the fact of "A blue beetle isn't going to two hit combo someone with all 70 resists."

How many rideable beetles that can two hit kill someone do YOU know?

How many times in PvP have you seen a guy run up on a blue beetle, hop off, and yell "ALL KILL"?
You are mistakenly trying to compare a blue beetle to a dragon, rune beetle, or other Tamer's Prime pet. This is a ridiculous comparison. Those pets take dedicated skill points to own and use, have stats and skills way beyond the best blue beetle's, and they are meant to be the tamer's bread and butter. I have now summed up your arguement.

A fighter with skill can use a trained rideable beetle or swamp dragon to assist him in combat. The point that you failed to see is that if a player is using this pet to fight along side of him, it makes for a very effective, no taming required combination. He is not supporting his pet (in the case of a tamer, your "all kill" statement), his pet is supporting him.

If your post was meant to complain about tamers in PVP, that is a topic for a different discussion. Personally, I have no problems with tamers in PVP, since they end up being nothing without their pets (which are very easy to dispose of, with good tactics).

Stayin Alive,



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People shouldn't be allowed to rez pets that are "normally" used for combat unless you have 100 vet AND lore. Period. That might help on the PvP crap but as for people on my shard at say 12 am I am lucky to find 15 people and out of those 15, 6 are afk bank sitting the rest are "too busy" or care less about anyone needing packie rez, swamp rez or whatever other "domestic" rez is needed and lastly the other one is some jerk dropping books for an Atl guild everywhere.

I say it's a good idea for people mining, idocing, hauling lumber with bonded pets for the stable master to rez low level pets that are used for non-combat (no pvp or Bake, Rune, etc pets). Those who feel otherwise about low level bonded pet rez's come to LA around 12 - 2 am and see what a low population shard looks like. As far as staying on a low population server, some people prefer avoiding being around the usual player harassment asst'd with high population shards...and those who try to impose their narrow minded thinking onto others.

If the developer's would make it where you need vet and lore at 100 pts each to use high end pets (combat creatures) then that would solve some problems.

Myself I just login on the other machine, use my tamer and rez for whatever acct or vice versa. Not everyone can do this though.

So yeah, whatever, just don't make it exploitable for low skill (tokened) tamer pvpers using braces, rings and talis.

I'm sure some narrow-minded know it all will find many holes in this not to mention some "let's group everyday!! bff!!111!" boneheads will say move to a different server. To you, I ask who made you the official rep of OSI, myself and many others are very happy avoiding servers you're on and thank God you aren't part of the development team.



If you are going to try to argue, please quote the WHOLE argument.:coco: You seem to have forgotten the fact of "A blue beetle isn't going to two hit combo someone with all 70 resists.":coco:

How many rideable beetles that can two hit kill someone do YOU know?

How many times in PvP have you seen a guy run up on a blue beetle, hop off, and yell "ALL KILL"?

The answer to those two questions is NONE. If you know otherwise, please video that and share.:coco:

Go watch some PvP and tell me what pets are currently being used actively... ie, ones that someone is actually saying "ALL KILL" to. Odds are it is going to be one of the following: dread mare, greater dragon, rune beetle, hiryu, lesser hiryu, baksuna.

The only time you will see something other than the above is someone doing something to be a smartypants. You know, the guy that shows up to yew gate with 5 bonded and fully trained chickens for a laugh.
Dragons and dread mares are easy to solo on any template. :( never been two hit before either. :( Heh I do not even have 70 fire or physical. >.>


I say it's a good idea for people mining, idocing, hauling lumber with bonded pets for the stable master to rez low level pets that are used for non-combat (no pvp or Bake, Rune, etc pets). Those who feel otherwise about low level bonded pet rez's come to LA around 12 - 2 am and see what a low population shard looks like. As far as staying on a low population server, some people prefer avoiding being around the usual player harassment asst'd with high population shards...and those who try to impose their narrow minded thinking onto others.

I'm sure some narrow-minded know it all will find many holes in this not to mention some "let's group everyday!! bff!!111!" boneheads will say move to a different server. To you, I ask who made you the official rep of OSI, myself and many others are very happy avoiding servers you're on and thank God you aren't part of the development team.
*does not like this idea* *plays on Napa Valley* *Waits for rebuttal*


Allow magery to res pets. Heck you can heal your pet with magery, allow a res with magery and paladin spell. Heck even let shrine resses for pets.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1302396 said:
*does not like this idea* *plays on Napa Valley* *Waits for rebuttal*
Wow, at 12 am Napa has like a ton of ppl on. I just logged on and checked. What is it about blue beetles, fire beetles and packies that are so over-powered in your view? I wouldn't even take the time to train the skills up on one and even if I did train a fierce, scary domestic pet fire beetle to max, if an ABC pvper couldn't one hit kill one of them they don't need to be pvping. Domestic meaning anything that is laughable at in combat, something a brigand can kill and not get a scratch.

You're def entitled to your pov as is everyone else, no p but I just don't see how anyone at any stretch of the imagination could see any harm or foul in having the stable masters rez "bonded" pack animals, utility pets or a swampie if it means keeping customers. Some people work 2nd shift, can't sleep until they relax so they play a little UO, then as they're playing contently their bonded "domestic pet" gets chewed up like Cameron Diaz's panties in a nudie bar and no-one is on to rez their pet or they have to wait an hour or longer for a tamer that might or might not help out? Yeah that's good for keeping people interested in playing.

The Pvp token, ring, brace and tali crap is another issue that needs to be dealt with imo but for someone mining?? C'mon...


Wow, at 12 am Napa has like a ton of ppl on. I just logged on and checked. What is it about blue beetles, fire beetles and packies that are so over-powered in your view? I wouldn't even take the time to train the skills up on one and even if I did train a fierce, scary domestic pet fire beetle to max, if an ABC pvper couldn't one hit kill one of them they don't need to be pvping. Domestic meaning anything that is laughable at in combat, something a brigand can kill and not get a scratch.

You're def entitled to your pov as is everyone else, no p but I just don't see how anyone at any stretch of the imagination could see any harm or foul in having the stable masters rez "bonded" pack animals, utility pets or a swampie if it means keeping customers. Some people work 2nd shift, can't sleep until they relax so they play a little UO, then as they're playing contently their bonded "domestic pet" gets chewed up like Cameron Diaz's panties in a nudie bar and no-one is on to rez their pet or they have to wait an hour or longer for a tamer that might or might not help out? Yeah that's good for keeping people interested in playing.

The Pvp token, ring, brace and tali crap is another issue that needs to be dealt with imo but for someone mining?? C'mon...
Just checked? it is not even 12am yet...lmfao and being logged in with 4 other people in luna, yea...lots of people online lmfao.

Edit: on a side note, I never said they were over powered I said I do not like the idea, but if you read my previous posts in this thread it explains why. Not that my opinion on the matter will be listened to, it is just my opinion. I normally work 3rd shift and get off early morning when everyone else would be going to work, so I know what it is like to have 0 people online, or at least 0 people attended. My opinion is just my opinion and has nothing to do with balance. No harm in them allowing it, I just do not support the suggestion. On the same note it is not something I would quit over or complain about if they added it, I only joined in the conversation here.

Edit 2: I have sort of wondered why they never allowed magery to rez pets ever since they brought the idea of bonded pets in, but I suppose there is enough argument on why not to allow it just seems slightly silly. The "no vet" argument is prolly not the best one, I have no vet on one tamer and those pets never die, other tamer pets die alot and has vet....but meh. Would only replace vet with med on the second tamer if that was the case, but prolly not since he does fine how he is.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In case you haven't noticed there's more than one time zone :thumbsup:, looks like we're an hour or two in time difference then. At 12 am here there were about 20 ppl or so but who gives a crap right?

I just hope they address the issue with the token, ring, brace, tali tamers and make them at least have to use vet at 100.

As another poster suggested maybe SA will resolve the problem with low level creatures being able to be rezzed by stable masters then again they may not even listen.


In case you haven't noticed there's more than one time zone :thumbsup:, looks like we're an hour or two in time difference then. At 12 am here there were about 20 ppl or so but who gives a crap right?

I just hope they address the issue with the token, ring, brace, tali tamers and make them at least have to use vet at 100.

As another poster suggested maybe SA will resolve the problem with low level creatures being able to be rezzed by stable masters then again they may not even listen.
Yea but I always assume server time :p not going by where I am. But no it don't matter.

Am not sure what your reference to "token" is, and I was not aware of a tali that added +vet. Hmm forgot what I was going to say about the subject heh, char was getting attacked had to handle that forgot about this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1302697 said:
Yea but I always assume server time :p not going by where I am. But no it don't matter.

Am not sure what your reference to "token" is, and I was not aware of a tali that added +vet. Hmm forgot what I was going to say about the subject heh, char was getting attacked had to handle that forgot about this.
The token is an advanced character token, if you use one to make a tamer it puts you at 85 skill in Taming, Vet and Lore plus 70 mage and med.

If you're lucky enough or rich enough you can get brace and ring that will jack you up to 115 then all you need is the taming tali to scroll out to Legendary at 120 taming at 85 real skill and leaves either 635 or 535 pts. (if you need lore to control pet) for other pvp related skills.

It's not an exploit and there's really not much (that I can see) that can be done to fix it, unless they make all 3 skills mandatory for tamers at 100 and even then that leaves a lot of room.

People stone or drop the other skills the way I understand it (at least vet I know of), someone can correct me if I'm wrong but that leaves you with 85 real skill in taming and 100 in lore for control of pets. These are the people that shouldn't be allowed to use a static pet rez for combat pets, domestic yes, combat no imo, hate to rain on anyone's parade but that seems pretty unfair in pvp.

I could careless about it tbh but that is why I was saying domestic bonded pets should be rezzed only, no combat pets "if" they even consider such a thing since so many people are bent out of shape by this type of tamer.

There might be more support for the idea of having pet rez as long as combat pets weren't allowed. I was thinking maybe that was why you were against the idea in the first place is why I even mentioned tokened tamer. (Not to be confused with the toking tamer which just stands around and stares at his pet).


Allow Ressurection spell to work on pets, allow noble sacrifice to work on pets, allow your pets to be able to be ressed at a shrine.

Problem solved.


Lord... I agree with both sides here. The last thing we need is another device to chip away at player interaction, but at the same time it can be infuriating when you can't get a rez. I've just been training up my first tamer, and for a long time my vet was too low to rez and I couldn't find jewels to buff it up enough. So when my bonded bake died while I was playing at midnite my time (2am shard time), I was pretty much up the creek. So maybe a carefully measured compromise is in order.

Rezzing a pet as easily as a pc-- magery, shrine, healer-- I believe would make it too easy. It would greatly tip the balance in favor of mages, particularly mage tamers (and incidentally, my tamer is a mage). Further, the loss of a pet would become fairly consequence-free if one need only find the nearest wandering healer or dime-a-dozen mage.

I think it would introduce way to many variables into uo to suddenly allow pets to be so easily rezzzed. I kinda have an idea about it, but the more I think about it the more complex it gets, so I think I might just make it a new post.

K, done rambling, sorry=)
