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Detecting Hidden On A Cu


Does anyone ever try to raise the detecting hidden when training a cu? If someone was going to attempt this, what would be the best way to raise that skill? Also, what would have to be given up for the cu to actually use the detecting hidden skill?
If I were to skip the magic, and only have AI and/or Repel, would the detecting hidden skill be able to raise? I know most would find this option useless, but I wanted to try something really different.
Thanks for any help with this.


Stratics Veteran
Does anyone ever try to raise the detecting hidden when training a cu? If someone was going to attempt this, what would be the best way to raise that skill? Also, what would have to be given up for the cu to actually use the detecting hidden skill?
If I were to skip the magic, and only have AI and/or Repel, would the detecting hidden skill be able to raise? I know most would find this option useless, but I wanted to try something really different.
Thanks for any help with this.
I trained this at the trapdoor spiders using bagballs to block them, as they will nearly instantly kill you in the right area's. I also moved music and discord skills to my tamer to do so. As Mihali said making use of whisper is key, but also leave at least 1 unspent point on the pet so it gets Power hour every 24 hours. The combined might of discord , whisper and power hour works wonders. Also as a fair warning , as it's been well over two years since I've done this, and don't know if its still even a possibility. Be careful as a few low end pets reverted when they Hit GM the next server reset up for us. Because of that risk back then most just avoided increasing it. So if its a fully 120ed out pet you might want to copy it to test first and see if that possibility still lingers.
The Good news is detect is a passive skill like med, focus , etc, So you don't have to give anything up to increase it, as it doesn't over ride anything. It's just there and often a pain to get gains in without key setups with those spiders or a few other training scripts which I honestly don't trust. An important things to note is a pet will not use this skill on players unless they are red, grey, and have preformed a hostile act to them or a guarded tamer, which is why the spiders are great for it as they will go hostile before they turn visible allowing the pet to key up detect to reveal it. Hope this helps , should you have anymore questions, my door is always open. Have a delightful day. =^-^=
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