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Detect Hidden 0.2 Skillpoints ^^ - any change to make this zero?

Mene (DF)

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Yes - my favorite cu loose this to me very unuseful skill ;) - and he die a lot in the moment. This skill has never gained good nor really make any sense to me - so I never trained it and would be happy if there's finally 0 Points or nothing else Skill.

But still remains to this 0.2 points....*sighs*

Anyone who have an idea how to get them rid off? Must I write a letter oder set off an GM call?
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Mene (DF)

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I like you Mandrake :) - but what do you think I did the whole time with this poor pet?
He dies a hundred of times with this skill points and it's never went to zero.

Might it be possible that this is something based on the patch they did to the prepatched Cu's?
Because mine is one of the older 3>5 i could train before they patch it *thinking*


I Hate Skilling
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Yes - my favorite cu loose this to me very unuseful skill ;) - and he die a lot in the moment. This skill has never gained good nor really make any sense to me - so I never trained it and would be happy if there's finally 0 Points or nothing else Skill.

But still remains to this 0.2 points....*sighs*

Anyone who have an idea how to get them rid off? Must I write a letter oder set off an GM call?

What difference does it make? Why waste a GMs time?

Mene (DF)

Seasoned Veteran
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To give you a simply reason : because it disturbs me ;)

And another: I for myself as a woman and a friend of esthetics looks you are pleased to call me now having one's head stuck up one's arse (sorry :) ), but it's looks not really beautiful.

Sure this is a so lousy small thing a GM's time is not worse for - that's a point I agree with you. But nonetheless it's also a point that let me asking again why things could not have done really right - Means to me: if the pet looses points by dying than it's oki it looses one point per death. If I don't want to have this skill on the pet I want no longer it should be loose all points to zero and not left half nor any.
Just my two cents..

Maybe they fix it a time - will wait and see at this point ;). What's interessting also is the point if only detect hidden act this way or if any other skill (magery / eval int as example) handle the same? One here who have mad similiar experiences?

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still havnt looked into it but I have been thinking I would try to train detect up (maybe you can't?). I think that would look even better aesthetically.

Mene (DF)

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Skilling detect Hidden on pets is one of the most painful things you could do to yourself ;) ... much more worse than skilling begging or one of these other slow raising skills.
You need a spawn where your pets detects hidden monster, humans what ever else - and I never see the pet doing this. And with every death the pet loose exact this one point you exhausting maybe finally got - it's really more easier to make this zero than GM ;)


Stratics Veteran
I will go ahead and tell you that a GM will not do anything to your pet regarding this. Mainly because if it is done for 1 person, others will want it done too. Some will try to get gms to "fix" other skills for them and it might become a moral question for the gm involved. They will rather not take the chance and just say no than to open this rabbit hole.


The Enchanter
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Is this just a vanity thing or is this actually affecting your game play in some way? I'm a bit confused here, and I bet a GM would be as well if they were asked.


My issue with detect hidden is that there doesn't seem to be a way to train it. There are skill points being spent on it (presumably this means it affects the number of control slots the pet requires), and we didn't ask to have it added, but the devs didn't provide a means of developing it. At least rewrite it so that it checks automatically when the pet sees a hostile go invisible. Also, I see the point above. I rather like looking at a lore table full of 100's and nothing else. It is quite gratifying.
I for one can live with very slow gains, as long as the gains are possible. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to fight to advance this skill, and nothing has worked. This is supposed to be fun, not completely frustrating.


Has anyone found a way to train this skill when hunting solo? I'm not after fast gains, just some gains.


Crazed Zealot
I strongly suspect the conversation about completely removing detect hidden skill a wasted time including this note.
It is a very little used skill unless you want to train it, then you will need to do this untrained, and spend 100's of hours toiling at it to get it GM? Is it worth it to make a herculean effort to completely remove it? Maybe for one or 2 persons and only for numerical esthetics. The GM's and programers time likely better spent with other issue in the game. For now we should be happy with the revamp imho, that was way overdue...


if pets have a skill cap, raising pet's skill to the cap maybe allows you to delete the 0.2 detect hidden skill.
if pets do not have a skill cap, i suggest "let it be".

or, on the contrary, i suggest to fully raise the skills related to detect hidden so that your pet's detect hidden will work. there are many players hiding and stelthing. this is also helpful for you, maybe.

i guess your pet is "born to detect hidden".

* by the way, i wonder if all cu have 0.2 detect hidden skill basically? if it is, i will consider to have a cu.
just only "consider", no gold coins...

* by the way, what is cu? crystal unicorn?
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Mene (DF)

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I play this game long enough to know that you shouldn't waste a GM's time to "some called nonsense" like this disturbing thing to me believe it :). So I did not tried it yet because I also know the answer in forward. But it could also be the way 'round - maybe I could be wrong and a nice GM is willing to help nonetheless.

I first wanted to know if someone else make the same experiences and obviously I'm not alone as you see now ;)
I also think changes will never come among if no one ask for them first - one must be a beginner before others are so couraged to follow him.

*smiles* of course it's surely a point of vanity, but isn't it in humans nature? Give me one name of UO player who's not so vain if you can - I don't know anyone ;)
To me this point is really unproperly programmed. Point!

Thx for the likes
*feels herself understood*

Cu'sidhe are these, found in twisted weald, Ilshenar and coming out with ML
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