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Design Competition - Hall Of Commons


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
House Design Competition
Sonoma's New Hall Of Commons
Entry Submission Closing Date : Midnight PST, Thursday, August 26th.


I have some sad news and some good news.

First the sad news. Due to the severe damage to the Stronghold in last Friday's attack by the Bone Master's forces, the building has unfortunately collapsed. Thankfully no one was hurt in the chaos.

Queen Dawn was very saddened by this development and wishes to offer the people of the land some consolation for the loss of all the work put in to gathering resources for the building. She has hired a construction team to begin work on a new building that will serve all citizens of the Realm.

A Hall Of Commons will be built on the foundations of the old Stronghold site. Once the structure is complete regular shard wide meetings will be held every two weeks so that the people of our land may have the opportunity to come together and discuss current affairs or begin large community wide projects.

All resources for the new building will be supplied by the crown. However as the building will be for use by the people, Queen Dawn thought it best to allow the people to design it. A competition will be held over ten days. The winning entry will be our new Hall Of Commons Design and the architect's name will be acknowledged out the front of the building itself.

Here are some guide lines for those wanting to give it go...

  • The house plot size is 18x18.
  • It needs to have a very good seating capacity, at least 70.
  • Please arrange the main discussion floor in a neutral fashion. So no head of the table, or priority seating. If you take a look at the examples below you can see how the seats all face the middle with a central speakers pit. This is one way to handle the seating. Please feel free to try other ideas. The important thing is to be able to have discussions where everyone feels they have an equal right to speak.
  • Please do not include any lock-down deco or house add-ons (with the exception of the required pieces listed below). Basically just the bare house as it would look coming out of the customization stage.
  • Take care not to block chat messages with walls or other partitions.
  • Please include the following in your design:
    • Any seating lockdowns (benches/chairs/stools etc.)
    • 4 x Ballot boxes (with tables or stands if required)
    • 1 x Noticeboard (General messages from players)
The winner will have their name engraved on a plaque out the front of the building listing them as the architect.

You can submit your entries in this thread, or if you prefer you can send them to me privately by PM. Email is also OK at [email protected]

This is the place for questions too, so post those if you have them.

Here are some design examples:
Generic HoC
Chesapeake HoC
Pacific HoC Inside
Pacific HoC Outside

How To Create A Design
The easiest way is to head on over to the Test Center 1 shard. As soon as you make a character there you will find your bank filled with lots of money and resources. All you will need to finance an 18x18 building site.
Then take a look around the country side for a good spot to place the building. It shouldn't be too hard to find a spot large enough, especially if you head to Felucca.
Once you have the design take a few screenshots and either post them here or send them to via PM. You can also send them to my EM email at [email protected].

I'll redesign the building before the first HoC meeting on 27th with the winners design so we may all enjoy their efforts.

Looking forward to seeing your entries, and good luck all!

- EM Tailspin