Ok, maybe I'm totally wrong here but IMU there is no cap of 350 points, neither for 500 or 700 points. These numbers are from the
GGS-page of uo.com.
I think these marks are just three example for a linear formula. For every skill point more the chance for getting a GGS gain is decreased a bit. But there no big jump between 349 and 351. Anyway, the term "guaranteed" refers to the chance of getting one, not the exact time when you will get it. I had enough occacisions to learn about this as I was stinging my Tamer and Bard to Legendary
But back to raising a new char, theoretically it would make a difference to raise some skills earlier than others like Provokation or Taming. But as Music raises with Provo it would be silly to try raising Provo without Music.
On the other hand, I noticed a
small difference for getting a GGS when I soulstoned all other skills and got unter 350 points. But the disadvandages (i.e. I coun't go hunting between taming sessions) were too bad - I wouldn't do that again. The best method is not to calculate over and over but just to play and to use the skills and let the gains come as they will. Much more fun