Hello! I am looking for more information about the defenses and chance that a pet has to be hit.
For this case in particular i have a 90 phys dimetrosaur that i am planning to build for bar only purpose. The intentis to build him as tankier as i can get. For it i am going for 120 parrying and my question is, should i go for 120 wrestling and anatomy?
How does wrestling and anatomy, if it is the case, would contribute to the pet defense or chance to be hit?
For this case in particular i have a 90 phys dimetrosaur that i am planning to build for bar only purpose. The intentis to build him as tankier as i can get. For it i am going for 120 parrying and my question is, should i go for 120 wrestling and anatomy?
How does wrestling and anatomy, if it is the case, would contribute to the pet defense or chance to be hit?