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[Discussion] Deco by Dixie!

Dixie chessy/legends

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
hi guys i wasnt sure if i could post this here or not, but since i mostly work for people with rares collections i thought i would. ive been away from UO but have had a few people ask me since spring if i could do deco for them. ive had to turn down quite a few jobs due to rl stuff. "hubby had a heart attack and continued health problems" but i do have some down time now and am inside more due to the oppressive heat of late summer. so if anyone needs me to do a deco job please shoot me a pm on disco. ive worked for various collectors including @Archnight @BeerPwningTexan @Pampa DH @SupSoc ive also done house designs for @Johnny Black and few other people im sure any of those fellers would give me a good reference. feel free to move the post though if it needs moved =) this is my disco, just shoot me a pm!
1723060563868.png 1723060563868.png


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I and many others acknowledge that Dixie is a very capable and imaginative decorator.