Origin to be Published
Chrissay Zeeman
08 Oct 2009 11:46:45 EST
Click on more to read the full publish notes for Origin.
12th year Anniversary items –
Players will have till November 8th to log into the game to receive their gift ticket.
1st year Veteran Reward
To be listed in detail later
11th and 12th year Veteran Rewards
To be listed in detail later
All years Veteran Reward Clothing
Added a box in the Lycaeum (Felucca and Trammel) which allows players to trade their veteran reward clothing for one of a different type but of the same color.
There are four anniversary gifts to choose from and a few threads over on UHall with spoilers if you want to read more about both the gifts and new veteran rewards.
(sorry, meant to add a line clarifying that this is, right now, only live on Origin)