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[Discussion] Deceit Turn-in-Item Swap


Will swap some deceit turn in armor and weapons on Atlantic if anyone is looking to collect them all. I am not looking to collect so i will trade for 2:1 or 3:1 depending on rarity. I know plate has been sought after

i'll keep this list updated, please PM me if you want to swap

I have:
- Bokuto (3:1)
- Crossbow
- Yumi
- Bardiche
- Kite Shield
- Scythe
- pike
- repeating crossbow
- ring

- Studded legs
- Studded gloves
- Leather arms
- Leather sleeves
- Leather Gorget
- leather ninja mit
- wizard hat
- studded suneate

Will trade these at a rate of 2for1 or 3for1
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