• Hail Guest!
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    Please take a moment to read this post reminding you all of the importance of Account Security.
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Dec 12th: TC3 Going Offline



TC3 is going offline at 6:30-ish pm PST. We do not expect downtime to be longer than an hour. Btw, sorry guys about last week when we were down almost all day. This won't happen again! ...but if it does, sorry!

Please put down your snow balls, and exit the city in an orderly fashion. Meh, who am I kidding? Let the snow balls fly, and run shrieking out of the server! WOOHOO!


12/12/2007 Update to Test Center 3 Version 2.1535.0.0
Posted in Uncategorized by lfancey on the December 12th, 2007

Today’s build:

Chair of the week: Added
Logo: Updated to include Sims Online reference
Avatarbook: Updates and improvements
EA Lots: More EA Community lots coming online.
Bug Fixes:

Searches: Avatar and lot searching will be fixed tomorrow
14 Day Trial E-mail: Updated to include correct subscription location and links.
In game links: More noticeable for TSO-e, Blueprints, and Avatarbook
TC to TC3 lot move: Will be fixed tomorrow
War Table: Now works on skill lots


Hmmm, thought lot moves from tc to tc3 would work after maint today...tried and doesn't work

imported_Spaghetti Legs

Well, they didn't actually say it would be after maintenance today (as far as I know). Maybe it's something they can fix without taking the game down today?