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[Discussion] Debating of what is an exploit.

Blue Fly

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Interesting. Doesn't sound like they were intended to be in the game though. Cant post "glacial" spell books and many other dupes on Stratics. Why are these any different? I just don't understand... Such a grey line...

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
Blue Fly, I know you feel really strongly that the dog dupe rule needs to be changed. You or anyone else can contact an admin to make your case. Last I checked with Athelas, he felt as well that we shouldn't have them on the forum. We held a vote when the rule was made and the community decided to not allow them. I don't mind answering questions about items I sell and their origins and I'm always transparent. Let's please not take my thread off course by turning this into a discussion on dog dupes. If you or anyone else feel you can do a better job as a moderator for the community, I encourage you to pursue that! I'm here as a unpaid volunteer and I'd be more than happy to pass my badge off to someone else if they get approved for the position.

Alright, the reasons I felt it was okay to post is...

1. They can no longer be obtained. There is no method to make more as the event is over.
2. It does not damage the value of any current EM items or is close enough in likeness either via name or graphic to be mistaken for a server birth or an existing EM item.
3. It was not created via a dupe.
4. They do not give an advantage to a player and are purely decorative.

Dog dupes damaged the value of the rares they copied by allowing items of the same graphic with colors that had not been available outside of those items. They were extremely destructive to the rares collecting community and some collections.
The default name exploit has many items that can be passed off as true rares or server births. There is a method still to create these I suspect.

As I recall those are the primary items outside of the banned items via EA that are not allowed on these forums.

There are many, many items on these forums that we allow that are past bug/exploits. Some examples of items commonly sold on these forums include sigil items, ranger ingots, golden blood moss, green clothing, the urn that says a small piece of blackrock, the lantern that says a weathered chest, gold mark scrolls, etc. These items were not intended by the Dev team to the best of my knowledge. The difference in my eyes is that they don't give any player an advantage over another, can not be confused with another item, did not have a negative effect on an existing item, to the best of my knowledge will not lead to action against your account, were not created using a dupe and can no longer be made. As I recall from the community discussion around the time of the last rares fest there wasn't a huge stink from the community regarding them.

If you have any further questions, please contact me via PM. Hope that helps answer your question. Perhaps the next moderator team will change the policy, but the above is the criteria I've always used when making a decision.

Blue Fly

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am actually AGAINST being able to post doggy items on Stratics as well as other duped garbage (though I did post one item once, but was unaware of its origin and took it down).

My concern, was that either illegally created items can be posted, or not, regardless of origin!!! There should not be a double standard. I feel you do a great job! I am not interested in being a Stratics moderator and I am not sure how you got that impression. Since you responded, but didn't answer my question.... What is the rational? Why are these any different from other dupes? I apologize for asking questions in your thread, but I am surprised you would knowingly sell items you know were not intended to be in the game here. If rules were never questioned, I would hate to think where we would be right now...


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO, there is some missinformation here..

First, let me tell you that the Doggy "issue" wasnt a dupe. Dupe means duplicate, an exact copy of the original item. The Items from the doggy issue were not duplicates at all, the items didnt copied the names or mods of the original items. The doggy issue was an exploit, IE, people used items ingame in a way that the devs didnt think about and managed to create items with the same shape and color of the original items.

So, these new items like:
"Glacial" Sulfurous Ash
"Glacial" Blood Moss

are items that people got using an exploit, IE, they just used the normal UO client to remove the timer on the items, not even a 3rd party program was needed. As with doggy exploit, this wasnt a behavior that EMs expected but the items were created that way.
The only difference between doggy exploited items and glacial reagents are that ppl created these items with different exploits, thats all.

Now, feel free to move some posts to a new discussion thread since this is a selling thread and not a discussion one. I didnt created a new thread about this because again, IMO, moving the discussion somewhere else and let missinformation remain here isnt healthy.