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death to the giant turkey in northbritwoods



:stir:, first it killed my smith, then it killed my friend, those birds are tough, hope it cooks up tender if we can kill it, my smith was an innocent just standing aside to observe, then the bird got my friend teleported in, after it dispatched him it wandered my smith's way monochrome time, many healers in the area got my stuff back ran away still cursing big bird, it seems to have necro type abilities as well as pulling in ranged attackers or tamers to be killed:confused:


an update, the northern mountains are overrun with the giant fowls

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
an update, the northern mountains are overrun with the giant fowls
ya know!. ive been saying this for years now and nobody listens!!
i dont know how they get so big either!...like there eating full grown cows or something! and there suspenders look completely stupid..........wait...we are talkin about the giant fools right??

Sir Kelek

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just had my butt handed to me again and again. Damn things are wicked lol.


after, running into afew flocks on tram side, went to fel despise ran south thru the pass,birds on bothsides, up north in the woods, if there are birds there are agood bit of healers near too


otis, the giant birds, are known to eat decently trained ogrelords even, hmmph noketchup nothing the big guy charged in I got sucked up to the big bird

five oclock

what we do have are the most Insane Disfunctional SOB's With attitudes that cant be matched anywhere else!!the most messed up people! the most messed up guilds the most messed up Period!
Welcome To Napa!....Even Madness Needs A Home
Otis Firefly 11/2008

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
what we do have are the most Insane Disfunctional SOB's With attitudes that cant be matched anywhere else!!the most messed up people! the most messed up guilds the most messed up Period!
Welcome To Napa!....Even Madness Needs A Home
Otis Firefly 11/2008
hehe....still stands true!!

five oclock

what we do have are the most Insane Disfunctional SOB's With attitudes that cant be matched anywhere else!!the most messed up people! the most messed up guilds the most messed up Period!
Welcome To Napa!....Even Madness Needs A Home
Otis Firefly 11/2008
hehe....still stands true!!
has it really been only a year since you said that???? MY GOD!!! It does seem like years ago...

Napa Valley Rocks!