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[Discussion] Dear Scammers,


Lore Keeper
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Since we are on the subject of scammers...I wanted to write something up regarding the unethical spread of scamming...

Dear scammers, (or anyone who has thought about scamming)

In life, we are defined by our actions. We make life choices to be a good person, or to not be a good person. In our day to day lives, there is always a real consequence for every action done, ranging from a crumpled face filled with hurt before your eyes; the possibility someone might punch you if you are jerkheaded enough; all the way to jail time; and a criminal record.

Then there is the game world. There are no to very limitted consequences to your actions. Or are there? If you can not make the choices to be a good person when there is no real risk of punishment, then you need to reflect on yourself in real life. Are you really a good person if you need the risk of punishment to choose to do the right things?

And what of the consequences of your actions that you cannot see? The hurt and anger you cause to someone very real on the other side of the computer. The possibility that the person you have affected is already going through a lot in their lives, possibly being ill, or terminally ill, or having ill or terminally ill family members, financial problems in this lovely evonomy, or other sad situations, that we face in a not so perfect world. Perhaps you have now started a chain reaction, where you have scammed someone, and now they, being hurt has decided to use that to hurt others. They in turn go and scam others, and you have created a vicious circle of which you are responsible for. Negative actions produce and set other negative actions in perpetual motion. and negativity grows, and then you ask yourself why the world is not a better place. Or do you? Perhaps I am wrong and you are a sociopath with no genuine feelings of empathy at all.

Before you choose the wrong choices, and think that you have won, by satisfying your greed, and getting away with items, money etc, know that you are as guilty and responsible for the problems in this world. And yes, it does affect real life. If you choose to do the right thing, like that same rampant spread of negative energy, with a little effort and selflessness, you can instead propogate good, and make the world a better place.

My two cents,

Dr. Angel

Stratics Veteran

In my personal life, I deal with all sorts of people who have no true care or compassion for the hurt they have caused others. I have found that the computer can make us hardened inside IF we allow it to. Some people enjoy the ability of getting away with things because they are trying to fulfill some sort of hole in their real life such as unhappy marriage, financial hardships, or illness. Unfortunately, we cannot change others. We can only change ourselves. It is up to us in this online community to protect ourselves from predators as we would in the real world. If something sounds too good to be true then we all know it probably is. Deal with those that you know or have a way of finding out about. Use a broker when you are unsure or concerned. Last and not least, listen to the voice within you. Your gut instinct is probably right and it should be followed even online. If something sounds fishy or weird then get out. Nothing in this game is worth the risk.

I am glad you took the time to write to your community. It shows that not all people online are selfish and selfless. Stay true to who you are and allow that to guide you through.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Dr. Angel

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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How many times can i hit the like button on that. game scammers seem to think that just because its a game they can steal whatever they want, ultima scamming is no different than mugging someone on the street and taking their wallet.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since we are on the subject of scammers...I wanted to write something up regarding the unethical spread of scamming...

Dear scammers, (or anyone who has thought about scamming)

In life, we are defined by our actions. We make life choices to be a good person, or to not be a good person. In our day to day lives, there is always a real consequence for every action done, ranging from a crumpled face filled with hurt before your eyes; the possibility someone might punch you if you are jerkheaded enough; all the way to jail time; and a criminal record.

Then there is the game world. There are no to very limitted consequences to your actions. Or are there? If you can not make the choices to be a good person when there is no real risk of punishment, then you need to reflect on yourself in real life. Are you really a good person if you need the risk of punishment to choose to do the right things?

And what of the consequences of your actions that you cannot see? The hurt and anger you cause to someone very real on the other side of the computer. The possibility that the person you have affected is already going through a lot in their lives, possibly being ill, or terminally ill, or having ill or terminally ill family members, financial problems in this lovely evonomy, or other sad situations, that we face in a not so perfect world. Perhaps you have now started a chain reaction, where you have scammed someone, and now they, being hurt has decided to use that to hurt others. They in turn go and scam others, and you have created a vicious circle of which you are responsible for. Negative actions produce and set other negative actions in perpetual motion. and negativity grows, and then you ask yourself why the world is not a better place. Or do you? Perhaps I am wrong and you are a sociopath with no genuine feelings of empathy at all.

Before you choose the wrong choices, and think that you have won, by satisfying your greed, and getting away with items, money etc, know that you are as guilty and responsible for the problems in this world. And yes, it does affect real life. If you choose to do the right thing, like that same rampant spread of negative energy, with a little effort and selflessness, you can instead propogate good, and make the world a better place.

My two cents,

OK.. only 1 point to make...

1) Scammers suck... but ONLY if using reasonable caution isn't enough to protect yourself. Black horse going into the trade window from on screen @ luna bank instead of a DREAD is sneaky & I cannot fault those who've fallen for such schemes. I've also seen many cases where someone "Blindly Trusts" another person though without REASONABLE precautions. In this particular case I'd much rather the person getting scammed have it happen to them in a virtual game as opposed to Real life (though I'd imagine the lesson will transfer over). I have ZERO sympathy for those that just assume someone will hand over 500M after receiving an event item from them or some such... Lesson learned in that case imo. I guess I'm just not fond of ignorance.... & being surprised that someone will steal from you if they can (with no consequences) is ignorant indeed.....


Supreme Commander
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How many times can i hit the like button on that. game scammers seem to think that just because its a game they can steal whatever they want, ultima scamming is no different than mugging someone on the street and taking their wallet.
Except I Live in Texas, and I am always carrying a gun and it would end very very badly for the scumbag.


Great post!!