No PVP dexer goes around without HLD, so now a guy who has 70/70 DCI is actually WORSE OFF than a guy who has 70 but left his cap at 45.
Yes and No.
Pub 81 Case 1:
Player A has 75 Max DCI from Armor Refinement and has 75 DCI.
Player B has 45 Max DCI and has 75 DCI.
Both players have equal skill and HCI.
Player B if hit with HLD will remain at 45 DCI due to over cap while Player A will be reduced to 34DCI.
Player B by over capping wins in this case versus HLD but Player A benefits from the fact that they are able to reach
70% DCI.
Player A while not under the effects of HLD is receiving a 9% defense increase over Player B.(Total Hit Chance)
Pub 81 Case 2:
Player A has 75 Max DCI from Armor Refinement and has 75 DCI.
Player B has 45 Max DCI and has 45 DCI.
Both players have equal skill and HCI.
Player B if hit with HLD will be reduced to 20 DCI while Player A will be reduced to 34DCI.
Since there is no over capping Player A is the clear winner:
20 DCI vs 34DCI
Player A while not under the effects of HLD is still is receiving a 9% defense increase over Player B.(Total Hit Chance)
Player A while under the effects of HLD is still is receiving a 6% defense increase over Player B.(Total Hit Chance)