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Dawn's spy glass not rare!

  • Thread starter Budweiser KDL
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Budweiser KDL

The people who are helping with the rares fest and so I have seen on many "Rares" collectors vendors are selling this item form 3-5 some 10 mill.. really? Last night all you had to do is take a char to brit castle, click the pedestal statue and you get one.

I really dont see the value in this item.


NorCal Uo Dealer

I agree my friend.. i called out someone earlier today for tryin to trade one for a xfer token..lol calling it a RARE item.. told him to go back to atl with that garbage spam


Plenty of the event organizers have EM Cyno sashes for sale in the million+ range.

Isn't there a crystal that gives them free at the counselor's hall!?

Budweiser KDL

Plenty of the event organizers have EM Cyno sashes for sale in the million+ range.

Isn't there a crystal that gives them free at the counselor's hall!?
There is an item to click on there that can give you one yes. And it's active. Nothing like inviting people from other shards just to rip them off eh.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree. There are a lot of vendors that have items that are 'not' rare and they are trying to sell them.. the stealing bugged items are my pet peeve as of late like the empty vials, gold bread, dark red bloodspawn, etc. I'm not saying they aren't worth something for deco like red birds, green arrows, blue apples etc are, but many are trying to sell them as true rares and for millions either from greed or ignorance of their origin.

To be honest though, this isn't a issue of other folks coming here and doing it. This happens to every shard who hosts a festival. I'm seeing it happen on vendors that are owned by pacific players as well. Its sad, but its gonna happen. The only thing we can do is try and educate the population so they know the true origin of an item before making a purchase.

Educate yourself on the origin of the item you are wanting to buy. As much as it kills me to say this, don't always trust the description on any item. Always double check on the rares forum or ask an experienced merchant first.

Please be safe folks.

Luke Carjacker

I agree that it's not a rare per se, however it is an item that's available only on one shard for a limited time. I'd say it's probably more rare than most EM Sashes, and those sell for 1-2m regularly. And the spy glass does have a different hue so it doesn't look like quite like anything else.

Now, I completely agree that it's in bad taste to grab one off the vending machine and immediately throw it onto a rares-fest vendor; and I totally agree that it's downright underhanded to try to fool someone into thinking that it is rare. But, I can see how this item could be legitimately worth several million, maybe 5m if taken to a different shard where people can't simply go and get one of their own.

(disclosure, I haven't sold mine, nor do I intend to)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree that it's not a rare per se, however it is an item that's available only on one shard for a limited time. I'd say it's probably more rare than most EM Sashes, and those sell for 1-2m regularly. And the spy glass does have a different hue so it doesn't look like quite like anything else.

Now, I completely agree that it's in bad taste to grab one off the vending machine and immediately throw it onto a rares-fest vendor; and I totally agree that it's downright underhanded to try to fool someone into thinking that it is rare. But, I can see how this item could be legitimately worth several million, maybe 5m if taken to a different shard where people can't simply go and get one of their own.

(disclosure, I haven't sold mine, nor do I intend to)
Absolutely it has value. In fact when I take mine back to Atlantic, I'll probably sell some of them eventually. However, I believe it was in bad form to chuck it on a vendor -while- they were even still able to be obtained... for in some cases up to 30m. *sighs* The whole rares community isn't what it used to be. I'm okay with folks making gold, hell I am a merchant.. however there is some tact and morals which a large chunk of the rares community seems to have forgotten. Its all about making gold and although I am a merchant... even PTC was never about just 'making gold'.