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Daniel calls Sleuths For THIS Wednesday April 4th 2012

Sonoma EM Feed

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Stratics Veteran
Daniel read the parchment again. Finally someone had found a clue to D’Kettling Greystone’s whereabouts. He needed to talk to him about many things. Why was he doing the cleansing ritual and killing his kin? What was so despicable about the humans that his hate was so deep? He knew Greystone was not going to sit and have green tea with him so he needed to ask his sleuths to accompany him. Maybe they would have more information.
The Raids through out Britainnia were getting very violent. This was also disturbing. He took out a pen and made a note to get more info about this. The Royal Guard always needed to be one step ahead of the ones they fight. Daniel was always glad to provide this information. Not directly of-course. He had channels he followed to insure his anonymity. He knew some of his “student” were really working for the guard. He was proud of them. They always managed to get the right Intel to the Captain or Sgt at arms.
Daniel thought that it would be best to move the meeting place again. Never good to have the same routine. Made you an easy target.
This week we will meet at the Serpen’ts hold Royal Guard Hall.
Wednesday April 4 6 PT, 7 MT, 8 CT (packer time) and 9 ET

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UO Event Moderator
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Stratics Legend
Daniel read the parchment again. Finally someone had found a clue to D’Kettling Greystone’s whereabouts. He needed to talk to him about many things. Why was he doing the cleansing ritual and killing his kin? What was so despicable about the humans that his hate was so deep? He knew Greystone was not going to sit and have green tea with him so he needed to ask his sleuths to accompany him. Maybe they would have more information.
The Raids through out Britainnia were getting very violent. This was also disturbing. He took out a pen and made a note to get more info about this. The Royal Guard always needed to be one step ahead of the ones they fight. Daniel was always glad to provide this information. Not directly of-course. He had channels he followed to insure his anonymity. He knew some of his “student” were really working for the guard. He was proud of them. They always managed to get the right Intel to the Captain or Sgt at arms.
Daniel thought that it would be best to move the meeting place again. Never good to have the same routine. Made you an easy target.
This week we will meet at the Serpen’ts hold Royal Guard Hall.
Wednesday April 4 6 PT, 7 MT, 8 CT (packer time) and 9 ET

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Please disregard this posting. Amonos has decided to take care of this situation.