I am not seeing the same results as you. I confirmed again today that the eater properties appear to be triggering correctly.
The eater effects function based on actual damage inflicted, so if you have high resists or very low damage it may look like it is not triggering.
I set up a few new rounds of bleed and strangle testing today and everything appeared to be working just like I expected it to work.
When I was using only the Basilisk Hide Breastplate which has the 10% ALL damage eater property the bleed effect was not triggering the eater simply due to inflicting less than 10 points of damage. When I added an additional 10% ALL damage eater item and retested with a combined 20% ALL damage eater the bleed effect began triggering as the bleed effects only had to do 5 points of damage to trigger the effect.
I set up another round of strangle tests using the Basilisk Hide Breastplate. This was the only item that I had equipped and I had no Resisting Spells skill so my poison resistance was only 11%. As only 10% of the damage was being reflected, each tick of the damage needed to inflict 10 or more points of damage to qualify for the damage eater effect. Using this set up when the tick inflicted 9 points or less, the damage eater property did not trigger, however when the tick inflicted 10 or more points of damage the damage eater property did trigger and I was healed for 1 point of damage.
I am not sure how you set up your test cases, but I would assume that either (A) you had high resistances either due to equipment or Resisting Spells or (B) you are using low eater items.
Also, bleed damage will only trigger the ALL damage eater property as it is inflicting direct damage. Kinetic eaters only trigger off of physical damage.
Hope this helps.