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Curses, apples and faction bandages..OH MY!



So i'm curious as to what the community thinks about the current curse situation. Currently there are many kinds of curses, the necromancer to be specificly relies on alot of these. Currently you can eat an enchanted apple every 15 seconds, and with the new patch, you will be able to use a faction bandage every 15 seconds. So if your in factions you will be able to remove all curses on you twice every 15 seconds.

Now understand I'm not complaining, I just wish to hear other people side of the story, at one time apples could only be used every 2 minutes, which I thought was fair, some even carried talismens which gave an extra charge to remove curse.

I don't play a necro at this time, I play a mage, and I use curse for a bit of extra damage, though now it seems almost as fast as I can cast it, they are able to remove it, most of the time in a duel, when the curse hits, the apple is eaten almost preemptivly.

I don't see too many necro's running around any more, it seems too hard to keep any sort of curse on someone.

So i'd like to hear from both sides, not that you like the current situation because all you play is a dexxer, but id like to hear from those that want to give an unbiased opinion.



I play both sides of the coin (except i dont use faction aids)

As a necro its almost pointless casting strangle, corpse, curse...watever.
So...with the new patch...GREAT!!!

I can cast a curse...which im pretty sure theyll remove...if not GREAT!!!...cast a strangle (read just a lil before) and then after i have 15ish seconds of curses!!!

As a dexxer im not really affected that much by the curses...as i only have one way of removing i tend to wait for the debuffs to stack as i defend and then offensive i remove and let whoopass!!!

all in all i think its a great thing (also means another macro for dexxers rather than 3-4!!!)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A 15 second timer is more than fair. The 4 sec faction bandies are a little crazy.

2 minute timer was completely stupid. There are still archers who just spam mortal shots to prevent you from healing, but 15 seconds is enough time.


Yes but im saying you can still EACH every 15 seconds so its more like 7 1/2 seconds, get my drift?

I mean really whats the point of strangle? it will never last long enough to be effective.


I will never be truly effective against dexxers anyways the way i see it, at least now there is a 7.5 (assuming the mages have high dex) extra disrupt to the mages.

Also it will mean dexxers are going to have to think about when to remove curses and not just apple, heal, heal, heal, apple, heal...

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dunno...not only do I think these faction bandages are ridiculous, but I also believe there is one helluva imbalance between mages and dexxies as a result. Mages are almost completely nullified...necros are getting the big ole bone with faction aids AND apples.

So that leaves dexxers...thanks devs! (Personally I hate playing dexxers...its like UO on easymode.)

Show some love for the necros and mages...no more of this jailhouse love please.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the timer should be about 30 seconds for apples. I play both a mage and a dexer and right now its stupid how one sided things are. You can bearly dump on someone before they can apple. Espeically with how 98% of the population are running away after one harmful effect on them.

It's hard not to be biased though when dexers don't NEED to curse. If you don't curse you lose out on about ~30% of your damage as a mage.

Lets not forget as a mage or more specifcally a necro apples remove ALL curses. If you really want to keep the timers at 15 seconds then they should consider only removing one harmful spell/special at a time. I'm not sure how it's balanced that every 15 seconds: curse, corpse skin, strangle, blood oath, evil omen.. can all be removed instantly for no skill points on the run for no mana.

The only argument anyone can come up with is that mortal is over powered and thats why apples should stay 15 seconds. Perhaps mortal should be tweaked where it doesn't last as long or something along those lines if that's where the only arugment comes from.

If apples were changed to alonger duration I wouldn't care as much that they remove everything at once, but there has to be some kind of compromise some where.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They should change it back so you can only eat so many apples before you are "too full to eat anymore".