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Current Survey Results[11/14/07]! Havent Participated Yet? The survey is located in a 2nd thread!



Due to some individuals chosing to reply with more than one answer to various questions, or providing vauge information, or simply not answering the question the data has a significant variance from the actual results.

1. Prefered Rare Type
Collectibles - 2
Event Rare - 17
Server Birth - 5
Speciality Items - 1
Other - 2

2. Would Knowing A Rare Was Duped, Prevent You From Purchasing It?
Yes - 13
No - 14

3. If An Item You Desire Was For Sale By A Known Duper, Would this Prevent you From Purchasing it?
Yes - 19
No - 8

What 3 Rares Would You Want If You Could Have Anything?
Necro Reg Set - 1
06' Black Pumpkin Set - 1
06 Pure White Bag - 1
Castle Deed - 1
Crude Corroded Manacles - 1
Rubble - 1
Liuetant Sash - 5
Ari/Baal Shroud - 1
Vine Cord Sandals - 2
Cebo Shroud - 1
Glorious Lady Shroud - 2
Protector - 2
Full set of Antique Plate Mail - 2
White Surfer Statue - Dawn - 1
Scaffolding - 1
Robe Crafted by Relvinian - 1
Shroud of the Champion - 1
Empyreans 1st Place Fashion Event - 1
Most Knowledgable Person Shroud (5HPI version) - 1
Champion's Laurel - 1
Royal Guard Investigator Cloak - 2
Combat Boots - 1
Horse Dung - 3
Royal Explorer Boots - 1
I stole this ….. - Complete Set - 1
Two Story Statue - 3
Detective of the Royal Guard sash - 1
Spellbook covered with Gargish runes - 1
Idle Hands - 1
Connected Bottles of wine - 1
Complete Set of Phoenix Armor - 2
Nest with Eggs - 1
Event Rare Liquor - 1
Treatise on Alchemy - Open book - 1
Cloak of Shadows - 1
Book of Truth - 1
Cursor - 1
Wind Spirit - 2
Last Grasp - 1
Knitting - 2
Brush with Handle - 1
Circular Tarot Cards - 1
Grouped Bottles - 3
Large Valkyrie Statue - 1
Spitton - 1
Wash Basin - 1
Orc Chief Helm -1
Tuning Fork - 1
Full Set of Blood Tiles - 1
Dragon Egg - 1
Crown of Tal'Keesh - 1
Royal Brit Guard Boots/Detective of the Royal Guard Sash(Luck) - 1
Invalis Burchette - 1
Player Named Obsidian Statue - 1
Silver/Dark Steed -1

5. What Motivates you to Collect?
Museum - 5
Prestige - 5
Fun/Boredom - 10
Investment - 3

6. Which Category Best Describes Your Prefered Item Type?
Deco - 20
Wearable/Asthetic - 1
Other - 1
All - 1

7. What is the Ideal Location for Your Museum?
Vesper/Minoc - 1
Umbra - 2
Felucca - 3
Luna - 10
Unique - 1
Trammell - 5
Tokuno - 1
Serpent's Hold - 1
Malas - 1

8. What is Your Favorite Item Currently In Your Collection?
Wedding Set - 1
Pastel Neon Runebooks - 1
Minion of Surano Set - 1
Phoenix Armor Set - 1
Protector - 1
Gargish Set - 1
Skull of Tal'Keesh - 1
Item bless Deed - 1
Tongue of the Beast - 1
Wyrms Heart - 1
Blue Loaf of Bread - 1
Reveresed Backpack - 1
Detective of the Royal Guard Sash - 1
Connected Bottles of Sapewin Speciality Wine(3) - 1
Singing Ball - 1
A Bottle of SCT One Year Anniversary Reserve Vintage - 1
Hero of the Realm Deed - 1
Enervate - 1
Wind Spirit -1
Covered Chair - 1
3rd Place Oceania Cross Country Statue - 1
[Blessed] Sigil Sandals - 1
Matched set of Pre-Magic Moments Wedding Rings - 1
Pile of Skulls - 1
Blackguard Shield, Sash, Box Set

9. Rate Your Interest in Rares Collecting
3. - 1
4. - 1
5. - 1
6. - 2
7. - 3
8. - 11
9. - 2
10. - 6

10. How Does Your Current Interest Compare to When you Began Collecting?
Much Less - 5
Somewhat Less - 2
About the Same - 7
Somewhat More - 5
Much More - 8



Thank you for doing this. I don't think this has ever been done in the rares community.


You're very welcome. I feel its important for those of us involved in this community to be able to see where the current trends are, how they effect us, and how we conform or deviate from them.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Roughly 72% of those who responded will not buy from a known duper, but 50% will buy duped items. So who are the other 22% buying their potentially duped goods from, and does it matter?

[/ QUOTE ]

From people who are not famous for their cloning abilities?