Cannot say for certain if the Defenders won the day in Minoc. The criers have 'No news at this time'. Checking the cities: The bells of courage are mostly gone, although 1 remains in Cove. The Bane Guards are gone, although one remains in Skara - hiding in the back of a shop. None were spotted in Moonglow (did not check the Lycaeum) nor were there any in Cove.
Are the invasions over? What can we expect? Both good questions that will be partially answered on Sunday if no new invasion appears.
Thanks to all the Defenders if indeed the invasions are finished. You fought many battles and not a single city lost once the battle was engaged after Moonglow fell!
We all await further news and it will be posted, I am sure, once we know more.
PS. Are the BlackRock Golems still in Magincia?
Till later!
High Sorceress, S*S
Cannot say for certain if the Defenders won the day in Minoc. The criers have 'No news at this time'. Checking the cities: The bells of courage are mostly gone, although 1 remains in Cove. The Bane Guards are gone, although one remains in Skara - hiding in the back of a shop. None were spotted in Moonglow (did not check the Lycaeum) nor were there any in Cove.
Are the invasions over? What can we expect? Both good questions that will be partially answered on Sunday if no new invasion appears.
Thanks to all the Defenders if indeed the invasions are finished. You fought many battles and not a single city lost once the battle was engaged after Moonglow fell!
We all await further news and it will be posted, I am sure, once we know more.
PS. Are the BlackRock Golems still in Magincia?
Till later!
High Sorceress, S*S