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Current cap on MR


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wtf two different numbers? Where heres the 3rd... I was ALWAYS told 12

Stright from Stratics

"Mana Regeneration
Intensity Range: 1 - 2
Maximum Attainable: 12(16)
Found On: Armor, Spellbooks

Mana Regeneration increases the rate at which you regain mana. For every point of Mana Regeneration you have, you will regenerate 0.1 point of mana every second.

Spellbooks can only be crafted with Mana Regeneration 1."


The overall cap was formerly 18, since the latest pvp changes it was removed and became diminishing returns. The individual asked what the "tem cap" was which even though there is not a mr cap itself, there is based on what items exist that supply mr. The combination of all available items that do supply mr has a mod mean that the actual mr cap is 28, not 18, and not 12.


Just double checked my math and its actully 26mr not 28, unless either of the shields with mr have 4 rather than 3 which would make it 27mr total


Yeah this post REALLY belongs on the rares forum.


Actually since it does concern event items, ie; Lt sash, blackguard shield & tongue of the beast of which 2 out of the 3 are necessary to hit the max possible mana regen from items I'ld say there's nothing wrong with it being here.

I'ld also sincerely doubt if many players in Uhall would be aware of some of the afore mentioned items, so where better to go to get this info? But why would we care about helping people, right?


Oh right, only rares collectors have brains, i forgot :|

And yes, i know I have been promoted to pancake of the century by you in a previous post, but when i'm right i'm right, and this case is one of those times I am. This post has nothing to do with rares whatsoever.


Mana regen breakdown

helm 4 - hat of magi
neck 3 - pendant of the magi
chest 3 - rune beetle carapace or Ilthisis' Breast Plate
sleeves 2 - normal mr 2 arms or Ornate encrusted armguards
gloves 2 - any mr2 gloves
legs 2 - any mr2 legs
ring 3 - crystalline ring or santa's ring
brace 2 - player crafted bracelet
shield 3 - tongue of the beast or blackguard shield
sash 2 - lt. sash
weap 3 - boomstick or clainin's book

Lich form: +10 Mana regen
120 Med: + 12 Mana regen
120 focus: +6 Mana regen

Maximum Mana regeneration from Items alone: <font color="red"> 29 </font>
Maximum Mana regeneration from items and skills: <font color="red"> 57 </font>


damn i knew i forgot something, and it was the weapon hand item.

As far as you stand in my eyes Gwen that has no effect on this post, I was not implying that individuals who are not rare collectors do not have brains or are not intelligent, I was implying that knowledge about certain items specifically event rares is specialized and therefore not as well known as information about artifacts and minor artifacts, etc. As to whether you were correct about the OP being out of line in posting here, you're not. What if they had posted asking for what event items were necessary to reach max mr? Would that change the answer to the question? No, it would not, just b/c they did not state their question in that manner does not mean that it does not apply or have any relevance.


This post has everything to do with rares.

The only way to get the maximum mana regen "technical cap" is by owning these event items. Most of which will cost you over $1k a piece.

Ask anyone in any shard what the lieutenant of the guard sash, tongue of the beast, blackguard shield, or santa's ring is and what the mods of them are and they would be looking at you as if you're playing the wrong game.

Not even dedicated information database sites have the event item listed and even less with pics/mods of the items. THIS is the only place where you would find someone who could give a direct and correct answer for what the Mana regen cap is and even then some people could make errors.

Unless a player frequently browsed this forum, looked at our screenshots, or read what we talked about the item mods being this question would never be answered properly. To any other player the mana regen cap from items would be 19. That's the only things they know to have MR. So asking in a rares forum knowing that there are rares somewhere with mana regen is most appropriate.

You wouldn't walk into a WalMart and expect to ask a sales rep when the Mona Lisa was painted and in what medium. A museum or an institution of collecting fine art would be the best place.


How about the mana bonus from using the ankh pendant now?
That is a possible +3MR for 1 hour per day from speaking the mantra at the Honesty shrine


Mana regen breakdown

helm 4 - hat of magi
neck 3 - pendant of the magi
chest 3 - rune beetle carapace or Ilthisis' Breast Plate
sleeves 2 - normal mr 2 arms or Ornate encrusted armguards
gloves 2 - any mr2 gloves
legs 2 - any mr2 legs
ring 3 - crystalline ring or santa's ring
brace 2 - player crafted bracelet
shield 3 - tongue of the beast or blackguard shield
sash 2 - lt. sash
weap 3 - boomstick or clainin's book

Lich form: +10 Mana regen
120 Med: + 12 Mana regen
120 focus: +6 Mana regen

Maximum Mana regeneration from Items alone: <font color="red"> 29 </font>
Maximum Mana regeneration from items and skills: <font color="red"> 57 </font>

[/ QUOTE ]


Ah, I have no idea about that new stuff, I've long quit keeping up with anything new in UO. I'm very pessimistic about the leadership of this game now so the sooner I'm done selling the better :&gt;

Sounds like a nice implementation though.


Boy has this caused a fuss. To my suprise and some of the posters here, it was originally posted in Uhall, then moved here. But anywho, I only asked it there because someone in TS told me it was 8. Then someone else said 18(Which I thought aswell) and I was just confirming. One night I was very bored and did the calculation for max regen(s), not including the new pendant.