Reports indicate that the invaders occasionally carry new and powerful weapons. Some of the items recovered thus far include the following:
* Staff of Pyros: A rare chance of laying down a line of fire in the direction the wielder is facing, while attacking something. Carried occasionally by Light Daemons
* Vorpal Blade:
o A rare chance of instantly killing an NPC mobile
o An extremely rare chance of duplicating the blackhole attack of the Void Daemons, affecting NPC mobiles
o Carried occasionally by Void Daemons
* Berserker's Scythe: A determined chance of blackrock infecting the wielder's target. Found on slain Berserkers
hmmm ...
No "Promise" that they would "do that" beyond the invasion/event ... (over and done btw)
Not many reports (none I rcall) of anyone getting
A "Vorpal effect" (either one) DURING the event ..
How about the other two items? AFTER the event? line of fire? blackrock infecting ?(just from the item ... not other ways)