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Cure pots need a short timer!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why address heal pots so drastically?

When was the last time you saw a post asking that they alone be addressed?

1) Cure pots are 100x times more popular(loot ANY pvp template and you are guaranteed to find a stack of cures. Not so with heals or any other pot type. Even refreshes are much less common)

2) Cure pots alone basically negate an entire template(the Nox Warrior)

3) Cure pots are left alone because the Nox Warrior is supposedly overpowered? What kind of logic is that? Leave the overpowered solution to a broken mechanic alone yet address something else entirely that is working fine and has been doing so for years? Heal pots were already nerfed when EP was capped lol. And if i remember correctly that was about the same time they fixed cure pots from failing so much rofl. Nice job there, nerfing heals and bumping cures even more.

Bottom line is that nobody in the universe can logically explain why Cure pots can be machine-gunned all day long. They have been abused for so long its ridiculous.
Make whatever changes you like to Nox Warriors but please spare me your Cure arguments because they are completely without merit.

Cure pots need a 5-10 second timer or scaled effectiveness that really works. Its obvious and it would greatly improve pvp IMO.

Peace :)


If they did nerf cure pots like that, I know what I would do.

Break out that dusty 100 poisoning I have on a soulstone and make a nox dexer!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OP : "Make whatever changes you like to Nox Warriors but please spare me your Cure arguments because they are completely without merit."...

Did you miss that Coffin?


What are they going to do to nox warriors? Completely wreck the ability to use infect strike? I don't see that happening. If there's a nasty timer all the sudden on infect strike, with a higher mana cost or something, fine. The nox stays shelved, wee.

But if they ever do slap a timer on cure potions without wrecking infect strike, watch how many poisoning dexers pop up. It would be nuts.

Green Meanie

I wouldnt mind machien gun cure pots if there success rate was lower say 50% success rate so the war of atrician would be much more notable. Sure the way it is now the noxer will win in attrician but will probly die from being 100 points underpowered to the person there fighting before they run said person out of cure pots.

I made a suggestion once i will make again instead of poison doing damage based of the targets hps make poison do a set amount of damage and the type of poison it is decay. So the longer the poison has been in your system the easier it is to remedy. I have even come up with numbers Based on 0 resists LP 37 a tick for two ticks or (11 for 70 resists). Dp 30 a tick for two ticks (9 after 70 resists ) gp 15 a tick for 2 ticks (4 to a 70s suit ) P 10 a tick for 2 ticks (3 after 70s ) and lesser poison 5 a tick for 2 ticks ( 1 vs 70 resist )

this would make total damage from poison set at 57 for leathal poison let to set till its finished against a 70 suit ( probly cured long before then )

or a Woping 194 vs a 0 resist person (truly deadly)

Under this you could make gcures say 35% vs leathal 85% vs deadly and 100vs everything else

with that system you could make leathal extremly hard to cure its basicly a 30-40 (depending on spell) special that does it damage over time and blocks heals vs players. Making it much more in the line of bleed but at a lower manna cost becouse it requirs a resource (poison) and costs karma.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looted a guy today, 128 cure pots..rofl. The solution to this issue is dramatically drop the success rate of cure and make sure EP does not affect them in any fashion. That way it does not affect all the other templates out there that use poisoning. There are many.

As it sits, cure pots are insane and vastly overpowered.


Looting a guy with 128 cures does not mean that they run around with 128 cures, it probably just means they looted a few people. With that being said, if he DOES have 128 cures, doesn't that say something about poisoning in this game? Players have an average of say 110 hit points, which is 2-3 dexer hits (or monster hits). Poison 100% blocks any healing. I have been in MANY fights where I was poisoned well over 100 times (being a pure mage, it's ridiculously hard to drop a dexer before they can run off screen, especially if I have to spend half a second + just in curing myself). When I played a DP mage, there wasn't a template out there that didn't flat out run from me, even WITH cure potions. Why? Because they knew I would run them out, and they knew that I knew that.

Everyone picked up poisoning at one point or another because it was extremely powerful, and could mean inescapable kills. I feel sorry for them. Poisoning was meant as a block to healing in order to surprise your opponent when they were low. It was meant to be for people with patience, either by surprising your opponent with an EFFECTIVE poison (block a heal!), or simply running your opponent out of cures. As it is, a mage without cures WILL die, 100% of the time, against a LP spammer. Every. Single. Time. There will be the rare statistical anomaly where the dexer misses 10 times in a row, but even a trained monkey can move the mouse off screen if he starts taking damage.

It was a brilliant EA decision to make the game more "skill based" by making cure potions required, and making the actual skills in game pointless to cure poison. Yes, that's right. Making it more item dependent means MORE skill based pvp! o_O

I've never been able to figure that one out. If bandages could cure (50% of the bandies "healed" amount for a level 5, 40% for 4, then the remainder of the bandies effectiveness heals), if the mage cure spell would work again, if chiv was more effective (although I'd really like to see that be at around the 80-90 skill range, depending on poison level). Chiv would have to be dropped to a max of 3 FC though. OR make it actually interruptable, like magery (can't just hold down the button until it works).

In brief: Yes, cure potions should be less effective. Yes, skills should play a roll once again in curing. Arch cure isn't even close to being effective, even with a level 3 casting speed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a timer on cure potions isn't the solution needed, all I see coming from this is some hybrid deathstriking poisoners.


There are definetly problems with potions currently but the problem is not with greater heal potions .. The problem is with cure potions greater cure potions can cure any level poison from low level to deadly and lethal poison with one swift chug .. This makes making a Nox character of any type worthless .. Cure method should work something like this lesser poison - poison should take 1-2 potions to cure .. Greater poison takes 2-3 potions with a minimum of 1 Tickof damage before cure .. Deadly and Lethal poison 2-4 potions to cure with a minimum of 2 ticks of damage before curing ..This also should go for chivalry heals and arch cures

I belive this idea will fix several current issues first it will make Nox characters useable again .. Also balances pot chuggers - mages and paladins that will fail trying to cure higher level potions instead of just insta cures

Also before orange petals get questioned they should work as follows orange petals should only prevent lesser and regular posion effects - and take 1 less use on greater posions so instead of 2-3 potions/ cure/ cleanse by fire it takes 1-2 - and high level poisons like deadly and lethal 2-3 cures

Same deal with resisting spells this only avoids lesser ,regular and greater poison , Deadly and Lethal posions should still need to be cured .. Something like this 80 - 99.9 Resist No chance of lesser poisons 100-110 blocks regular posion and 115-120 blocks greater poision.
Which leaves deadly and lethal to be cured with arch cures , potions or chivalry


This is what happens when we put the timer on Evasion - now suddenly the solution to everything wrong in UO is to put timers all over the place.

Before you know it a duel will take 9 hours to complete as each player must wait 20 minutes before casting X spell and swinging Y weapon and then using Z countermeasure.

Let's just nerf everything to the point where no one can kill anyone else - oh wait that's tram.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looted a guy today, 128 cure pots..rofl. The solution to this issue is dramatically drop the success rate of cure and make sure EP does not affect them in any fashion. That way it does not affect all the other templates out there that use poisoning. There are many.

As it sits, cure pots are insane and vastly overpowered.
And you didnt see the problem? If poison is so completely worthless, underpowered and no sane individual would have it in their template why are any decent pvpers carrying curing pots?

Currently poisoning is retardedly overpowered without cure pots to counter it. And the nature of its limitless spamability and overpowerness people are forced to carry a large number of curing pots. My noxxer with GM med and 8 MR was able to spam LETHAL POISON nonstop as my mana regens faster than I can chain LETHAL POISON. I got 32 mana leech on my kryss + GM med + 8MR = 4,375,962,387,946,239,057,093,487,458,953,507,364,076,734 lethal poison strikes. And 1 DP pot worth of charges can counter 12 Greater potions... If the guy who has 128 Gcure pots was fighting me without leaving the field I will run him out in a few minutes with just 10 deadly poison pots. And the second he runs out hes free insurance money for me.

Gcure is fine against current broken poisoning system, and if Gcure is nerfed then the game would only be balanced if infectious strike is also nerfed big time.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gcure is fine against current broken poisoning system, and if Gcure is nerfed then the game would only be balanced if infectious strike is also nerfed big time.
This pretty much sums it up.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looted a guy today, 128 cure pots..rofl. The solution to this issue is dramatically drop the success rate of cure and make sure EP does not affect them in any fashion. That way it does not affect all the other templates out there that use poisoning. There are many.

As it sits, cure pots are insane and vastly overpowered.
And you didnt see the problem? If poison is so completely worthless, underpowered and no sane individual would have it in their template why are any decent pvpers carrying curing pots?

Currently poisoning is retardedly overpowered without cure pots to counter it. And the nature of its limitless spamability and overpowerness people are forced to carry a large number of curing pots. My noxxer with GM med and 8 MR was able to spam LETHAL POISON nonstop as my mana regens faster than I can chain LETHAL POISON. I got 32 mana leech on my kryss + GM med + 8MR = 4,375,962,387,946,239,057,093,487,458,953,507,364,076,734 lethal poison strikes. And 1 DP pot worth of charges can counter 12 Greater potions... If the guy who has 128 Gcure pots was fighting me without leaving the field I will run him out in a few minutes with just 10 deadly poison pots. And the second he runs out hes free insurance money for me.

Gcure is fine against current broken poisoning system, and if Gcure is nerfed then the game would only be balanced if infectious strike is also nerfed big time.

Of course Infectious Strike needs to be fixed/nerfed. Had you actually read the OP you would have realized that I agree with you on this point.

My point is that wtf are the Devs thinking by allowing an entire range of templates(basically any template involving poison by mage or warrior)to have to be totally shelved seemingly forever yet at the same time they are wasting time with changes to Heal pots?

1) Every template that uses the poison spell or infectious strike is null and void? This is Dev logic? This is the fix to the Infectious Strike madness that nobody ever asked for in the first place? Devs royally fark up a special so instead of fixing it and making a slew of templates viable again they just make Cure pots ultra-godly? Geniuses.

2) Every weapon that uses infectious strike is basically impotent/devalued because of a Cure pot? This makes sense to the Devs?

3) Heal pots were so imbalancing that they needed a drastic overhaul? Riiiight.

*shakes head*