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Cult Of Styx Star Chart - color change???!!

Magdalena Chef

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been away for awhile -- and was sorting through and rearranging things in my home. I had a corner of rares that were a very vibrant and pretty blue -Tapestry of Void Chamber in Labyrinth, Shard of Blue Moon Light and the Cult Styx Star Chart. They were grouped togther because they were similiar in color.

I log in tonight and I walk by that corner of my house and the Cult of The Styx Star Chart is no longer that goregous bright blue - it's now the darker tone that has the red/purple matrixing in it (coming up as Hue 2069). So, was there a patch that ruined this? Screwed with the color? It was not this color (and I've had it for years). I bought it specificaly because of the gorgeous blue it -used to be...anyone? Help?

Thanks in advance!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I know this is random and possible shot in the dark, but are you using the same client? Some rares look different in EC than they do in Classic.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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That was always its color. It was never blue.