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Cu Sidhe Stats


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Returning player and haven't played since the pets have been updated. What is the max HP on a tamed Cu now?


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
Does the HP go higher when trained?
It can go up if you chose to allocate your training points towards more HP but honestly there's other things more important... like it's resists, skills, stats and regeneration. Often you'll see CU's with over 1000HP but the rest is lacking, you shouldn't need more than 800HP since it can heal and even there it's probably too much


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Cu's heal themselves so putting more than 700 points on it's HP IMO seems a waste of points... and HP costs more than plenty...

I'd rather give it more in other area's. But maybe that's just me.