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Cu Sidhe build first round plan


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not one of the Cu' guys but it looks good for round one to me. Maybe someone with actual Cu building experience can tweak it a bit for you if you haven't already made the decision to go ahead.


Stratics Veteran
I'm not one of the Cu' guys but it looks good for round one to me. Maybe someone with actual Cu building experience can tweak it a bit for you if you haven't already made the decision to go ahead.
Thanks very much. I will go with this one tonight.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks very much. I will go with this one tonight.
I'm by no means an expert pet trainer. I still don't understand what most of the true experts are talking about here most of the time. I expect that they are referring to what would be considered perfect or near perfect specific purpose critter builds. For myself, I am happy with very good to excellent, general purpose pets. However, in the first round build that you have shown above, I think that the Armor Ignore and Explosive Goo may not be the best additions for the first round in that they would tend to excessively damage the creatures that are being used for future training purposes. You may want to considering making those additions in later rounds. The same may be said for some of the STATS that would cause additional damage due to their increase in damage potential, but I'm also not one that has to have my pet complete its training in the minimum possible time.

I hope this makes sense to you and is of some assistance. :eyes:


Stratics Veteran
would not take mana regen to 30 as it is currently, a waste of points due to to the diminishing returns nonsense.


Crazed Zealot
would not take mana regen to 30 as it is currently, a waste of points due to to the diminishing returns nonsense.
Cus Burn mana like no one's business, with their constant bleed, and heal. Now if you add AI, and specials, now youre talking serious mana depletion fast. Mana regen for these pets is a must esp depending on build, and most of us would add it to mana regen 50 if we could..Now if you mean HP and stamina regen its another story. Would not recommend putting low mana regen on Cus..Anyways bet is to test them on TC1 and see what happens to mana. Would put 30 MR and would sacrifice HP regen and even stam regen if hurting badly for points in most Cu builds since Cus are such poor natural mana regenerators.

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like to do all the resists and regens in the first round, to make training the subsequent rounds on the crazed mage and Tikitavi [renowned] easier.


Crazed Zealot
I like to do all tg time..he resists and regens in the first round, to make training the subsequent rounds on the crazed mage and Tikitavi [renowned] easier.
What I am trying to do right now with red cu is trying to get healing up before I even start training. What Im afraid of is that if resists are up early, or if I put more hps, or chiv on it it wil really take extremely long to GM healing. So far dog is at 80 healing and parry is at 60 or so..rest is GM. But also what I am thinking is that if manna regen and manna pool is upgraded, healing may go better also. I will check to see how mana holds as it is while training healing if it drops really low I may train him 1st level and just add MR=30, and mana pool a little up, also phys and fire resist only, and keep poison resis to as low as possible..Otherwise I can get him 1st level very easily..Healing is the only one that can really really take long time..
What do you think? Is this a good approach or I should do something else?
Ty in advance..