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Buying Pet Cu plain or any color 600's STR and HP, low 70's energy and cold


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heya all,

If you are a cu farmer and come across one that is plain or any color and has STR/HP that total 1210+ and even resists (as close to 70 as possible in cold and energy) I am interested. Can be a fresh tame.


Atlantic is preferred but any shard will do.
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Heya all,

If you are a cu farmer and come across one that is plain or any color and has decent STR/HP and even resists (as close to 70 as possible in cold and energy) I am interested. Can be a fresh tame.


Atlantic is preferred but any shard will do.
I was browsing new mag stalls, saw one there, plain color, dunno the vendor name but cu is named perfect cu or something.
Not my stall, FYI

Lieutenant Dan!

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's a few. If you like one make a decent offer.

Aggapite Cu
Aggy 1.jpg

Aggapite Cu #2
aggy 2.jpg

Blue Cu

Brown Cu

Copper Cu
Copper 1.jpg

Dull Cu
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Very nice pretty darn close to what I want and I may be even interested in that one. I got the hookup on three last night so I am refining my search a little bit to find even better ones.