Hi All,
Havent been on for awhile, so this may have been asked and answered, but if not I would like to mention it.
There are MANY of us tamers out there that spend HOURS taming and killing CU's looking for that ULTRA elusive Blaze CU. I myself have probably tamed and killed around 2000 cu's. probably more then enough to get almost everything the Zoo has to offer. IF THE ZOO TOOK CU'S!!
How about making CU's a zoo turn in animal?? I would like to get some of the armor, or even the title but I have no desire to tame a bazillion Kirin's..I would much rather keep taming CU's in hopes I someday get a ultra rare Blaze.
Or how about this...not only make CU's a zoo turn in....but if I turn in say... 5000 or so I automaticly get a deed for a CU (color of MY choice) placed in my backpack. A few other ultra rare CU colors could be added...but only gotten by zoo turn in. Like Guild Green, or Invul Blue. If you make it 5000+ CU's to get one of those colors it would give us something to work towards...plus...we will still be looking for the rare blaze that would only spawn.
PLEASE give us NON PvP Tamers something to do!!!!
Havent been on for awhile, so this may have been asked and answered, but if not I would like to mention it.
There are MANY of us tamers out there that spend HOURS taming and killing CU's looking for that ULTRA elusive Blaze CU. I myself have probably tamed and killed around 2000 cu's. probably more then enough to get almost everything the Zoo has to offer. IF THE ZOO TOOK CU'S!!
How about making CU's a zoo turn in animal?? I would like to get some of the armor, or even the title but I have no desire to tame a bazillion Kirin's..I would much rather keep taming CU's in hopes I someday get a ultra rare Blaze.
Or how about this...not only make CU's a zoo turn in....but if I turn in say... 5000 or so I automaticly get a deed for a CU (color of MY choice) placed in my backpack. A few other ultra rare CU colors could be added...but only gotten by zoo turn in. Like Guild Green, or Invul Blue. If you make it 5000+ CU's to get one of those colors it would give us something to work towards...plus...we will still be looking for the rare blaze that would only spawn.
PLEASE give us NON PvP Tamers something to do!!!!